Of Wild Fire, Ash And Oak


” We are, all of us, flying in the saddle
of a horse called Fast Home
towards the place we tore ourselves from,
to the place that is still open
and, still, there are clues
to our origins

as we live in the torso
we find the heart
and on the bottom of the foot
we find the answers written
by the miles we covered in the dark.”

On the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius the new Moon brings the 12th lunation of 2014 alive and the journey begins anew. Here we can explore the Jupitarian imprint on the lunar cycle and follow the path of the Sun through the realms of the Archer.

The Archer’s realm is rich in possibilites, bringing the transformative power of mutable fire to light our path. The arrow of the Archer points back towards Scorpio reminding us of the journey that we have already undertaken ~ on our present journey it is an arrow named Truth, whose aim is to bring the hard won seeds of experience, the resiliant seeds of ancient knowing, out of the ashes of the Phoenix fire that burns in the last decan of Scorpio. These are the fire seeds that open when sown upon Sagittarius fields, becoming the potential growth that is embodied in the quest for knowledge.  Mutable fire is the fire that walks, that transforms all it touches, Wild Fire. Fire and spirit speak the same tongue in this place, both expressing their own essence, their truth, theirs is a language that speaks of the knowledge that lives within the world.

When Sun and Moon join on the cusp the qualities belonging to the signs either side of this threshold infuse the lunation, here bringing Scorpio’s resiliance and determination to the search for a greater understanding of Life. Sagittarian Sun, travelling the entire length of Sagittarius through this lunation, is bolstered through Scorpio’s qualities, making our drive for worldly experience and knowing that much more determined ~ however, the danger with all things Jupitarian is excess.

If allowed to go to excess the Scorpio Sagittarius mix can devolve into loud dogmatism and stubborn arrogance; these we must be on our guard for through this time. The sting in Scorpio’s tail can deliver this bombastic attitude with a poisonous and burning tongue. There are powerful survival instincts at the back of such demonstrative energy and, being sanguine by nature, Jupitarian healing must involve not only purification but relaxation and environments that support and encourage Jupiter’s gift, an expansive sense of well being. Within such surrounds instinct can be a more balanced guiding force.

Following an ancient principle in healing and, like many things in the natural world, where excessive or concentrated power is found at toxic levels the antidote is often found in the poison itself, and likewise, in accordance with this, virtually anything in excess can become toxic. Self awareness, as one of the goals available through Sagittarian exploration, is the balancing factor here. As we will see this will become particularly important in handling the energies of the full Moon in early December.

Interestingly, in medical astrology Jupiter is associated, amongst other things, with the liver and lungs – herbs that aid purification of the blood and the opening out respiration are highlighted in this and are also associated with Jupiter. Amongst these are Liverwort, Lungwort and Selfheal. The lore has it that Sagittarian links with higher knowledge connect through heart and mind and I have also come across a link between Jupiter and the endocrine glands in the brain ~ this suggests a focus for our personal medicine work. Wood Betony and Mugwort are Jupitarian herbs that can aid in decalcifying the pineal, allowing the light of the inner fire to illuminate the world. Through this the oracular wisdom innate within the human spirit begins to speak and shape the world. Betony also gives protection against malicious spirits!

Al Biruni, the medieval Islamic scholar, geomancer and astrologer who we met previously on the journey through the Via Combusta, tells us of Jupiter’s connection with sperm and bone marrow – in this, a metaphysical association with inheritance and fundamental vitality links with the soul and the forging of a soul path within the continuum of life.

We can explore our origins here, bringing all these elements together in personal work, medicine and healing. Getting to the heart of things, establishing truth, honouring the living flame of knowledge in spirit. Just as our ancestors did before us, we can undertake to understand more deeply our personal place within the wheel of life through this time. Ancestral healing and purification of the bloodlines allow the ancestors to accompany us with greater effect on this journey. The voices of the spirits can enlighten us of that which is yet unknown. Working with this lunation can give us the inspiration we most need, an informed power for change that animates the world. How this is affected through this Moon begins to take on more shape when we look further into to the lunation.

Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is square Jupiter as the lunation opens advising us to be mindfull of our mistakes, the ego trips that have been our stumbling blocks and the wrong turns we have taken on our journey in the past. But, by full Moon, Mercury conjuncts the Sun in mid Sagittarius and highlights the need to remain focused and not get carried away or distracted. Around mid-lunation may not be the best time to make decisions, the hightened energy of the full Moon might induce a mental overload, lunacy. True enough, this can be worked with as an ecstatic energy, but, we are also dealing with trickster energy here ~ be aware! Astrological lore tells us that Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius indicating that we need to think before we speak, cleverness and over-confidence may backfire.

This is further emphasised as both Moon, Mercury and the Sun form a T square with Chiron on full Moon. Truth can be a powerful weapon, and, Chiron knows just how great the sacrifices can be that are made on its altar ~ pay heed to the wisdom of the centaur who taught, “decide no suit, until you have heard both sides speak”.

Chiron turns direct just after new Moon and, for a short while, leaves Uranus alone in retrograde motion within the cellestial matrix. Uranus too ties into the full Moon by sextile, trining the Sun and Mercury, but, it is at last quarter that we see the underlying influence of this lunation reach maximum intensity when the square between Pluto and Uranus becomes exact.

It will be worth our while to explore the hidden motivations at work behind uncovered truths, things we might otherwise have never have known, especially where others are trying to foist their own upon us, but, this will come out more in an upcoming reading of the sixth Ur/Plu square. Shortly before full Moon Mars enters Aquarius and, shortly after, Jupiter stations retrograde. We may well register these changes more on a global than a personal level so we will return to this in that reading as well.

The power of knowledge carries an onus to be aware of what can be spoken of and honour what must remain unspoken, and, if there is a theme underpinning this lunation, it is this. This is inherent within the responsibility of possessing power, especially when it has been or needs to remain hidden. Conversely, there is great potential for self empowerment present here. This is where elder wisdom becomes rooted in the community ~ nature can be our teacher in this and Jupiter’s trees, the Ash and the Oak can be called upon to bring our own personal power into balance and alignment, rooted within the natural world. These trees both court the lightning bolt and embody strength and resiliance, each in their own way. A strong heart and willingness to engage with all the worlds will serve our journey well. Both Ash and Oak are revered in bow-making, giving the arrow of truth a long reach.

It is in the ninth house and Sagittarian fields that we journey out in the world, and Venus travels before the Sun around the zodiac, leading by the heart. At new Moon Venus squares Neptune and approaches square with Chiron just after he has stationed direct. Perhaps, in the long run, we can make the fruit of greater knowledge a deeper sense of compassion in the world. The heart’s wise council may not be audible to those who lack compassion at the beginning of the journey, and, equally we could find ourselves hurting others if we apply too much tough love in setting off alone. Better to have company we are on the same journey with, and, sometimes it is better to wait, observe the signs and be awake to the right moment, or people. Venus too tells us here that it helps if we know how to keep our own council, but, the beneficial aspects of this lunation show that we can become wise in this ~ it is in understanding that Jupiter’s home sign illuminates our path.

For the night owl and lone traveller alike this is a time which favours research and deep thinking. It also favours creative expression as a means for transformation – get into your own stream of consciousness and allow its voice free rein. Use this time to explore, divine and seek the council of the spirits. Hold ceremony with sumptuous offerings to them. Their appreciation of the greater picture is an essential element in navigating the Sagittarian realms and we should reciprocate in kind. Make this a joyous time too, a time of good humour, as befits the joviality of Sagittarius and Jupiter. What better time for storytelling and acting up the part. Above all else be of good heart for this road leads to the cusp of the year and the return of the Sun. And, after all is said and done, we are all Earth’s children journeying towards greater wisdom……travel well!

“whenever you raise a child
leave the hairy roots on,
the dieing leaves under the new leaves
and the dirt clogs swaying behind,
so that they have something
to sashay with in life

something to show them,
remind them, that they are made
from dust of earth and dust of stars,
something to point them towards home”

The poems included here are fragments of ‘Whenever You Raise A Child’, from the ‘Theatre of the Imagination’ by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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