Alchemical Times

2012.10.16 EMV at Sun

As Mercury transits the Sun in the 20th degree of Taurus on May 9th Jupiter stations direct and we feel a renewed sense of purpose as the light bulbs start to flash in our minds – the transit is a cazimi, exact. There’s a download of rarified spiritual energy coming through this transit that is opening the aperture for inspiration on the earth plane. This is an ideal opportunity to energise and entrain your own inner resonances with the download of life force coming in.

Our eyes alone will not perceive it (without the suitable technology) but the Sabian symbols provide a valuable insight to what this wave is carrying as Mercury crosses the Sun’s disc. It is worth quoting in full:


KEYNOTE: The awareness of spiritual forces at work.

Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the “Signature” of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The “wing-like clouds” may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of “the wind” of destiny.

This is the fifth stage of the tenth five-fold sequence. It concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the BLESSINGS of super-natural forces.”

These days it is hard not to see chemtrails in those wisps of winglike clouds, a sight confirmed as I look out of the window – they were at it with avengence from first light this morning. The dust is falling, somewhere, everywhere.

The chemical particulation of the atmosphere is a dangerous alchemy in its own right, especially when heavy metals, dna and nano-organisms are part of the cocktail of toxicity being dumped daily over our heads. If the winds of change are blowing now those wisps are obscuring the view as they spread a blanket of dull alloyed cloud over the Sun. This is what we are up against, messing with nature and a misuse of power that will not speak its own name but is all too ready to tell us it is all for our own sake, to reduce ‘global warming’ for example, for which ‘we’ btw are held responsible. ‘We’ are not so easily taken in.

However, the download from Mercury in this transit is as rare as the occurance of its transit itself. There are only thirteen per century, on average, and they are known to signal significant events that have a lasting effect, so the effects of this one will stay with us for some time. The next is in 2019. We can capitalise on this.

Mercury is retrograde and is turning our gaze inwards – we are talking about the inner worlds here as the winged planet crosses between Earth and Sun.

The transit opens a channel of transmission, an aperture through which the energy of spirit can enter. This delivers its ‘blessing’, connecting with and received within our ‘unconscious’. In a world where split consciousness rules, this download has more of the unifying nature about it – it could reveal to (and re-mind) us that there are, in nature, no boundaries in consciousness. The cosmological ocean of conscious energy that our planet swims in is also the source of the Sun’s own life giving radiance and Earth is an expression of the design held within that consciousness when it is given the right conditions in which to incarnate and flourish. These conditions arise out of a very dignified and advanced application of natural law (see footnote) and Nature manifests natural law as a creative expression of the intelligent design that is present throughout our universe.

We can see this everywhere, it too is right outside our front door, as well as in our selves, but, we cannot see the transit – we can however sense its effects intuitively. It is synchronistic by nature so look out for those signs.

Being ‘established in their own original nature’ also suggests aligning our earthbound vehicle with spiritual essence and Mercury’s role as messenger between the worlds makes him the soul vehicle. Here is an inner alchemy in which the soul mediates. This also echoes the more esoteric meaning of the impulse carried by the March solar eclipse. The aperture that this process opens allows in the Sun’s life giving fire, its ‘pneuma‘.

In alchemical processes regulating the fire is an essential skill that requires knowledge and experience. In feeding the inner fire with the breath of spirit, regulating the fire ensures that the essense is not spoiled; the more intelligence, awareness and knowledge we bring to it the deeper this process goes and the purer the elixir it produces.

The elixir spoken of in alchemy is the result of a long process. One who has the experience to regulate this process can reap its rewards and securely establish their original nature, but, it requires commitment. It also requires an aspiration to perfect, but,  inner alchemy is also the alchemy of the soul that is following an innate path of desire. In doing so it must, like its more ‘material’ counterpart, ‘burn off the crap’, eliminate its impurities and return gross matter to its essential nature. There is no doubt that this is equally applicable to our current material ‘science’ and its misguided use, but, there are other forms of science that involve spirit.

There is perhaps inherent within the blessings delivered by this transit an infusion of inspiration that will spur us on to develop a spiritual technology, a new alchemy that will serve a higher function. Such is not unknown to us, and although the dominant paradigm attempts to steer us away from remembering this, remember it we will!

However, there are no coincidences. The Sun and Mercury trine Pluto, the great alchemist, and the Moon’s north node, the goal of our soul’s journey, as the transit perfects and form a grand trine in the earth signs. The geometry of the triangle has long been associated with fire and bringing the spiritual fire to earth is built into the matrix. The trinity of spirit, soul and body are a part of the design.

The effects of this transit will last and our individual experiences of it will be unique for each of us. But, Mercury will return to this degree just as the current lunation closes so we will find a resonant echo of its qualities at work in the background up to that time and revisit it then. Mercury also activated the current grand earth trine (involving Jupiter) at its onset and closes it at its conclusion, so Mercury embeds a spotlight on earthing by being present with our essense through inner awareness throughout this lunation. This can be a creative time that bears unexpected and valuable fruit.

Blessings be with you!

The image shows a massive EMV next to the Sun. Electro-magnetic vehicles farm and manage the Sun’s energy and are responsible for creating and regulating conditions needed for solar systems and planets to bear and maintain life. They are an important part of our extended community and soul life and embody a high degree of spiritual technology. They were first acknowledged by science in present times by the ex-NASA scientist Norman Bergrun who found them amongst the rings of Saturn – his book The Ringmakers Of Saturn is still available and is an essential read with many good illustrations throughout. For more information about EMVs visit James Horak’s blog as well as find photos and videos about them posted at Touchstone Radio. Have fun!

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