Tag Archives: astrology

Hecate Stands Firm

Early this morning, as the fulling Moon sat conjunct its own north node, conjunct Eris in late Aries….let us not let this moment pass without taking advantage of Eris fiery nature, which colours the future path of these times; may the hubris, arrogance and narcissism that seeks to disrupt the balance and over shadow the natural beauty of being human with blind ego’s raging ambition and indiscriminate violence be exposed and put to rights, each by the reach of our own hand and heart…

The full Moon eclipse in tropical Taurus sees Venus adrift in the sign of the Virgin, closing in trine to Uranus in her home sign – uncomfortable and seeking to overcome difficulties, let chance and natural lore intervene

This is a tension point, a skin stretched over hidden truths, which must become exposed

The compulsion to speak out will be strong – be level headed, but, do not pull your punches

Hecate opposes Saturn – what has been suppressed, in womankind as in nature, is standing firm, claiming its own time own retribution

Chariklo squares the Moon and Sun – wise women hold the power

Deep gene memories, of wounds held within their own time bound genetic matrix, whose nature is rarely spoken, are now seeking voice

Be ready for Saturn’s turning point at third quarter, and Venus ingress, a lunar conjunction, in return to her airy domicile – a place of power indeed in the midst of these imbalances

Roses offered under Moonlight, in a chalice filled with fresh spring water, from a well whose surface reflects starlight – make sweet music to Her returning

“Birth, not death, is the hard loss.
I know. I also left a skin there.”

– Louise Glück

Upturning Pluto – The Other Orpheus

In Italo Calvino’s original retelling of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice, ‘The Other Eurydice’, Italo turns the Plutonic world on its head, the case for the ‘real world’ being defined not by the events, beings and nature belonging to the planet’s surface, but by life beneath the crust and mantle; Hades’ realm.

Here, the core of the planet is itself the originating source of reality, out of which all things are dreamed and emerge into existence, and which of itself constitutes the most earthly cosmological essence of the planet’s own nature.

And here, Hades (Pluto’s greek incarnation) dreams of descending, quite literally, ever deeper into the splendour and elemental beauty of this original nature, towards ‘the source’, the Earth’s core. His dream is to bring into reality vast crystalline cities, self generating metropolis, both machine like and organic, what Calvino describes as a ‘living-body-city-machine’.

Through the fulfilment of his dreams, Hades will provide complete oneness and inclusivity of all aspects of life, from core and dream, to surface and realities lived. This would be a place filled with tectonic presence and Earth music, the foundational vibrations of earthly existence. Within it are the ancient seeds of a unified consciousness.

But, crucial to his dreaming is Hades/Pluto’s passionate need to share of this journey to wholeness with his beloved partner, Eurydice; here, it is Calvino’s genius to reverse the role of Orpheus, into ‘abductor’ of the Underworld queen, for that is who Eurydice is in this telling.

Taking advantage of Eurydice’s thirst for ascendant experience, for liminality and flight amidst the inner elements and their higher vibrations, during one of her ascendant flights Orpheus snatches her from the mouth of a volcano, under Pluto’s very nose.

She is bewitched by the sweet poison tipped darts of Orpheus’ musical vibrations, and while she is Hades/Pluto’s muse, his divine reflection towards wholeness, Orpheus infamous enchantments are the stings in this scorpionic tale, scintillating the air realms with their magic. For the surface realms, in this rewriting of the myth, are literally extra-terrestrial, alienated from Earth’s, and Pluto/Hades core, earth informed reality.

Eurydice, having been drawn out of the realms of her faithful partner Hades, is truly out of her element, but, being enraptured, her cries are harmonised by Orpheus into an ineluctable enchantment that keeps her transfixed in the liminal realm between the upper and lower worlds, and here we find Orpheus’ shadow nature revealed; beneath the mask of healer and beguiler, he is mercurial, the arch trickster, and caster of dubious spells.

Orpheus’ is a maverick consciousness wreaking magic that, under tutelage of the Sky gods, seeks its own ends, out of kilter with the telluric, underworld monism that Pluto/Hades knows to emanate from the very heart of the planet’s soul.

Calvino’s inventive reversal of the roles serves to mirror our own assumptions, and our place in relation to the archetypal forces of this world duly falls into question, our own susceptibility to the glamours of the surface world suspect, displaced even. What is held to be true, now? How, in fact, do we extricate ourselves from the trivial deliria of surface life.

This is a good place to remind ourselves, also, that Pluto’s journey through tropical Capricorn began in late January of 2008, and, after fourteen years of pressurised intense upturning, exposure and scrutiny of our surface world, Italo Calvino’s vision of ‘The Other Eurydice’ holds an uncanny resonance.

These times seem all awry, truth’s and untruth’s ‘truth’ fogged, confused with each other, both deliberately and unconsciously, for what lies beneath our consciousness is all too oft confused with what lies beneath the surface of reality, yet, is nevertheless, constantly at work in the very core of our conscious life.

We are at the endgame of this long transit, Pluto edging into the final degrees of the cardinal earth sign – and here, it is worth noting, our eyes tell us a different story, for if we look to the heart of the constellation Capricorn, right now we will not find Pluto there, but, Saturn. Reflect on this a moment too, especially as the new Moon on Jan 31st/Feb 1st falls in waxing conjunction with Saturn. This is, truly, a moment for reflection, of the kind that precedes, and seeds, action….

…..consigned to the reality of his beloved’s abduction, but unable to endure the dream of establishing unity throughout the Earth in building his crystalline worlds of utter beauty and slow tectonic power without Eurydice at his side, Hades erupts into the world in volcanic fury and molten passion in search of her.

Humans perish, become ash, magma effigies, shadows of soot in his path, until he finds her, pulled towards her song, yet unable to yield her from Orpheus’ enchantment; Hades/Pluto merely glimpses Eurydice, at that moment unveiling the restless vista and future cacophony of a surface world gone to pot and ruin at human hands, before she is magicked away, gone, an echo amid the madness.

Hades retreats, and our convulsing world rumbles on in his wake, churning itself deeper into disarray , swallowing human lives whole, while Hades unfulfilled plutonic dreams remain; where there could have been a unified world of beauty beyond all knowing brought to life, a turbulent undercurrent to life lived out on the surface, in search of beauty itself.

How ironic. And fitting, that, in our times, where so much that has been brought to the surface echoes, like Eurydice’s song, a rich mixture of pain of separation and ecstatic thirst for the release from gravity which ‘enchantment’ brings, that Pluto now enters those final degrees of cardinal Earth, before himself emerging into the air realms, in search of his divine other, and wholeness.

Perhaps. Just, perhaps, there is something of an echo back from a future we are about to enter here – this new Moon is certainly a threshold, into something which will see passion about our future begin to balance out, and overtake, eventually, the stranglehold of (what we know to be) a retrospectively engineered vision under which we have been struggling these past two years, if not decades, or centuries, and we are about to find a way to resolve this dilemma, for good.

It is a theme we know all too well, the search for completion through the divine, the other to the self, made holy.

An Aquarian dream , perhaps, that leads towards the Piscean dissolution of boundaries, and eventual return to source. The sacred undertaking, upon being forsaken by the sky bound deities, themselves having failed to complete on the sacred pacts carried with and by their own creations, is left to humans, of rebuilding the world, in their own image. The thirst for a world engulfing self replicating metropolis, which equalises all need and longing…..or, perhaps ”you will own nothing, and be happy”.

We live within the midst of a long suffered monistic fracturing and fragmentation, at the core of a crisis of spiritual growth, in which we are charged with the undertaking of unlearning, learning anew ‘how to learn’, and relearning, that will ultimately see our mental and energetic spheres reunited and our ability to do magic on Earth replaced by the innate ability to ‘be’ magic. This much is already begun, but, how do we nurture the process?

We will have the heat turned up on this question, see for ourselves how to be released from the unhealthy grip of prevalent madnesses, through this next year, a possible real turning point being indicated in this process in six months, on August 1st, when Mars, Uranus and the Moon’s north node meet in exact conjunction, in the 19th degree of tropical Taurus….but, how much of the rewriting of our story is up to us?

As Mercury comes to station direct, close on Pluto’s degree, this is the time to ask, to seek out our core passions and let their resonance have their way with us – if we are to learn, and learn anew, we must first experience, let ourselves be moved by their energy, and do so with a purpose.

From mid February to mid March Venus and Mars will travel within a degree of each other, from Capricorn into tropical Aquarius, Venus in her Earth warrior guise, Mars her masculine counterpart, and their duel energies will challenge to unite as allies within ourselves this fierce energy.

For now, listen in, be aware of what moves you, its energetic signature, feel for its source, and be ready, but, while you let that inner pressure build, that pushes new life into existence from within, learn first from its own feeling nature, so that, when the time comes, you will be ready to speak its own language fluently, consciously, and with a purpose.

Blessed Be.

image : from John Neumeier’s staging of Gluck’s opera ‘Orpheus and Eurydice’, by the LA Opera in 2018.

The Lake On The Mountain

The second Aquarian full Moon of 2021 falls in the final degree of Aquarius, a place of transition and sublimation.

This day will see a moment of hiatus resolved, so long as we allow and make room for rather than try to force the outcome – the difference being indicated here is that this hiatus is an expression of energies surrounding a gateway, a threshold across which the flow of energy is no longer under the influence of intent, but is subsumed and shaped by higher powers.

What is being marked here is the need for a very specific realisation to become grounded, one that heals by allowing the cosmos to direct a shift within, from a surfeit of mind and intended activity into the spacious receptive aspect of spirit associated with an ability to sense, rather than think things out.

This does not mean giving up our thinking, or making new plans even; this shift is a prerequisite for the most imminent healing spirit to enter into our personal and collective domain and find its own natural pathways to becoming manifest.

Where we have been gathering information and knowledge, networking through pathways of connection that have been shaped by how this knowledge and information is perceived and recieved, all deeply conditioned by human mentality, we are now at the point of allowing greater forces associated with the highest integrity and realisation of divine intent to bring this web of connectivity alive – this is a necessary ‘upgrade’ that precedes operating at a higher level.

In Life’s own desire to transcend physical limitations, expressed through connecting with each other and more deeply into life itself, humans are here recognised as one among many vessels, capable of embodying the role of spiritual receptors, the conduits in and through whom this influx of non-conditional healing influences and energy can do its work in the world. It is our place within this world, at this time, this FM tells us, to make this a priority, to supercede the assumption that “we” can ‘do it all’ on our own. Perhaps more importantly, it asks us to make as much room in our lives as we can for an evolving level of recepetive interaction with the cosmos.

This is no easy task, when in the midst of forces that seek to determine the path our lives take, and the dominance of conditions we are being subjected to, but, it is in the very act of bringing this conduit alive, of bringing the divine to bear on those forces, that the antidote to their destructive influence becomes the reality.

Neither is this wishful thinking, an abandoning of sense and reason, of human mentality or our own will to the that of the divine, but, a recognition that there is balance in life, and that the balance can be tipped in favour of that which gives us life.

This is the symbolic meaning of the Waterbearer, the human who carries the life giving waters, whose own life is shaped into the vessel that carries their potential through responsibly carrying this vital essence, and in doing so is able to respond to any situation in which this potential needs to be realised.

How this can be achieved is expressed very clearly in the commentary to the 31st hexagram of the I Ching, which came as the oracle’s response to a request for further insight into this full Moon, as seen in the image for this post.

With the Moon on the left thigh of the Waterbearer, in a seperating conjunction with Jupiter, and the Sun conjunct Regulus, one of the four royal stars associated with the archangelic guardians of the four directions, we have divine support in fulfilling this role. Regulus being associated with Raphael, whose name indicates ‘the power of the divine to heal’, is also associated with the power of leadership, especially in relation to martial affairs, and here we are joining forces with the cosmos as a means to ground our own potential, most specifically as healers and active agents of Life.

Look to the area of your chart in which the Pisces/Aquarius cusp falls and to the meaning of the houses it either falls in, or marks the beginning and end of if you use the whole sign house system. Here you will find where this tranformative dynamic is now coming to bear, and look as well as at the house opposite, to ascertain how it is balanced and and can be called upon to aid in and illuminate your own evolution and growth as you engage with the affairs of Life in the outer world.

There may be a need for more spaciousness, a willingness to accomodate wider possibilities being called upon here – make this the focus of your prayers, slow down a while, make room within your self, if only for a brief time; the still-point contains the threshold, the place of transformation, and from this place you can petition the divine to bring whatever is most needed for yourself into this open space and more fully within your life.

This will benefit us all, as well as encourage positive influences to enter and give the flow of your own life a sense of direction that is in harmony with your higher potential; it will enable this potential to synthesise more deeply and work more harmoniously with the cosmos.

As the text of H31 says,
“…..one senses by openess, the other responds with fulfillment; the small goes and the great comes, the gold elixir of immortality spontaneously crystallises. This is like a high mountain being empty and open on the top and receiving the moisture of a lake; it happens spontaneously, without any intention that it be so”.

Blessed Be!

Radical Gemini

At 8:09am UTC/GMT this morning, July 31st 2021, Ceres entered tropical Gemini to join Black Moon Lilith and the Moon’s north node in the mutable air sign. The radicalisation and enhanced definition they will bring to the mental sphere over much of the remainder of 2021 are going to give the Geminian qualities of awareness, communication and thinking a more visceral potential, capable of producing much needed changes in our current life experiences.

What this means in real terms, through engaging with this energy, is that where our talk is loudest already, especially where it is aimed at the most contentious issues affecting both our immediate personal circumstances and our collective future, the noise is not only going to increase but, instead of distracting from and concealing the essential truths, will become more effective in punching through to the core of these matters, to the signal hidden within the noise.

It is the realisation of the potential that the underlying signal of our times carries which Ceres and BML are now helping us realise over much of the remainder of 2021 and an early part of 2022. This presents as both undeniable realities being brought into the open from states in which they have been obscured and obfuscated, in many instances where they have been hidden in plain sight, and through the exposure of the manner in which they have been used and manipulated to achieve certain ends and create an illusory reality in the process.

By mid-year 2022 we will be seeing the fruits of these times bear seed and it is our task now to engage fully with this powerful opportunity to not only change our focus, clarify our minds and get very real, but to seriously change gear and, in so doing, wrest our sovereign rights as ‘active agents of our own future’ back from all illegitimate usurpers of our own powers of self determination.

This is powerful medicine for these times and the combined presences of Ceres and Black Moon Lilith in tropical Gemini will deliver, if we pay adequate attention and respect to them. It is in their nature to dive deep, get into the hard core tough talking nature of the moment, and not back down. They embody aspects of commitment to our well being and self determination that have been systematically eroded within both the collective and personal spheres while we have been subjected to the “covid” phenomenon. These are now coming to the fore, as a major issue in the public discourse, but the restoration promised here is, as Ceres and Black Moon Lilith indicate, an intense and demanding process – we are negotiating not only for our future, but our ability to negotiate it at all.

Ceres and Black Moon Lilith teach hard core lessons in survival, as both a high art and an expression of raw power. There is an emphasis on material nourishment and sustenance built into this lesson – we must get very real about how well prepared we are for self sufficiency, get our supplies well stocked and know our strategies well. We must become intimate with our own territory and its boundaries and not let them be violated. Ceres in Gemini oversees the food supply chain, and Black Moon Lilith speaks directly to all aspects of non-dependency that we can realise in this respect.

Their joint transit finds three points of intensity, the first being on August 8th when their first conjunction takes place around 10am UTC in the ninth degree of Gemini. This coincides exactly with the Sun’s arrival at the midpoint of tropical Leo.

For many this is an important date in the solar calendar as it marks the highpoint of what some know as the ‘Lion’s Gate’ transit, where the Sun transits the cross quarter midpoint between the June solstice and following equinox – this one, being associated with Leo, is the astrological equivalent to the Celtic fire festival Lughnasadh, to Lammas and the Harvest festival of the northern sphere. But, in esoteric astrological lore these midpoints are also known as the Gateways of the Avatar.

What this tells us is that our highest potentials are at stake now, as well as our survival. The two are intimately connected as the one potentiates the other. At all stages of survival, in all scenarios, the embodiment of our highest potential is essential. Within the mental sphere this speaks to self leadership as the guiding voice within, being able to see, from the command position, what must be done, and assuming that position in our actions.

The ensuing period of deepened engagement, roughly through to the next cross-quarter festival around Samhain, holds the potential for us to shift our own personal position to our own advantage and in so doing shifts the centre of gravity of the collective field back towards its roots, among the people.

The second point of intensity comes with Ceres stationing retrograde in the 13th degree of Gemini on October 9th 2021. Ceres rx deepens the intensity, sharpens the focus and brings an added gravitas to the issues now under Geminian scrutiny. She brings out her chthonic nature and the unbendingly fierce commitment to embody her role as the Great Earth Mother, that makes her willing to fight her corner in protection of her children against all odds – regardless the opposition, she will not back down.

We have seen these energies building over the course of this year but here we enter the crucial period in which the opportunity exists for the weight of collective and individual power to reclaim lost ground and build strong integrity, a collective empowering of individual rights. For this to be really effective a third factor must be brought into full play.

At the third point, the intensity is increased further, when the second conjunction of Ceres and BML in Gemini sees the more plutonic side of Ceres nature igniting Lilith’s equally unbending insistence on raw truth. Here we will see the search for and deepened examination of ‘the facts’ begin to manifest powerful truths. These are truths that have the power to radically undermine and bring catastrophic collapse to the deceptions and lies that have been used to justify the development of our current situation. We will see how they have been used in justification of falsity and illusion.

The facade must fall, and for this to happen the fearless energy and penetrating insights of Ceres and BMLworking together is entirely fitting, and necessary.

When coupled with Eris tightening square with Pluto, a prolonged and relentless struggle to expose and subvert the darkest aspects of the plutocracy, and with the third and final hit of the Uranus Saturn square coming up towards the end of the year, the Ceres Black Moon Lilith transit of tropical Gemini brings a much needed determination and grit to our collective mental energies and thinking and has the potential to inspire a new level of personal clarity and purpose – the astrology of the last quarter of 2021 is spectacularly peppered with ignition points which this purposefulness would do well to be applied to – this is no time to pull our punches.

To finish mapping out this period, Ceres conjuncts the Moon’s north node and subsequently regresses back into Taurus on the solstice, 21st December 2021, stationing direct again on January 14th 2022, transits the NN again on the 25th of January, this time in Taurus, and re-enters Gemini on the 9th of February.

Ceres return to Taurus will expose key elements of our relationship with Earth that need to be redressed and brought to the table – these are non-negotiable aspects of both our human and Earth rights which are under threat, aspects of our biological and physical nature that are in danger of being irrevocably damaged and changed, to our own detriments. Hard truths which must now be heard and spoken loud and clear.

Between February 9th and the 14th April of 2022, Ceres and BML resume their joint transit of Gemini, and with Ceres orbit being at its closest to the Earth during this time, this powerful little planet is accelerating fast, her journey through tropical Gemini now taking just 15 weeks.

It is worth noting that Ceres north node enters Gemini from the sign of Cancer on November 26th 2021, the day at which Ceres reaches maximum elevation in the night sky and is closest to Earth, at her Perigee. Her orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter lend her visibility at this time and you will be able to observe her close to the fixed star Aldebaran in the forehead of the Bull when she is at her brightest and opposite the Sun, at midnight UTC on 27th November.

On December 18th Black Moon Lilith crosses Ceres north node at 17° Gemini, and, although the meeting of the Moons apogee and the point of Ceres path across the ecliptic may be somewhat intangible, it is a symbolic turning point in their affairs. We are potentiating and seeding our own futures here.

Ceres meets with her own north node on February 6th 2022, just three days before re-entering Gemini – Ceres period of recapitulation in Taurus will be over. Think well on our future and make best use of these transits of Ceres and Lilith’s dark aspect, as the push for completion of their business will see this period of dynamic, meaningful and penetrative thinking begin to bear fruit – we will have to wait until mid May when Ceres enters Cancer to see first signs of what is being seeded now, through these developments, coming fully into manifestation and taking root.

The next time Ceres and Black Moon Lilith meet up is 26th May 2022 at 5° Cancer, and a wholly different context will be coming into play by then.


image : Moyra, by the wonderful Tatiana Plakhova

solving opportunities, taking problems

american abandoned theaters4

In the middle of it all, this happened…..

Saturn cj Jupiter at 0° Aquarius

Living in accord with your value


“stupidity got us into this mess, and stupidity will get us out” –
Homer Simpson

Lifting the lid on pandora’s box, take #?…

“in the beginning we were given instructions on how to be a human being—a human being that would take care of the land, and love the land. We were given teachings to act as a foundation to having a good life. These teachings would be connected to a sacred relationship with the land. These teachings would support the natural laws of Mother Earth. For thousands and thousands of years, our ancestors lived by those teachings and original instructions.

Then the invasion began. What is important for us to realize today is to acknowledge what helped us endure and survive these dark times, and still today we must continue to endure. Colonization is very much a continued imposition in our lives.

During the darkest times of our history, it was our way of life that helped us survive to this day.

It was the ones who remained loyal and true to the original instructions we were given as a people by our Creator…

Those who kept the ceremonies going underground…

Those that kept the sacred fires burning…

Those that continue to speak the languages of our people…

Those that sang the songs of the land, of the ancestors.

And so it is today, that we must rely on those who have kept the sacred fires burning…

Those that keep our lodges going…

Those that speak the languages of our people…

The language is really the language of the land itself.”
– Dave Courchene

Planets tumble and turn, chaotic order defines the moment,
while sleepers sleep on…..

Its a free fall of titanic forces within nature;
and, pre-crimes not withstanding,

“Liberation will not be attained through an appointed commitee.”

“Peace cannot be attained in oppression”….

…the new peace movement melds while it quells,


“humility is the foundation of equality.”

But, how do you square that with identity management.

How do you square that with the imposition of
Biometric Digital Identity
which is the prerequisite for
developing the “internet of bodies”.

Did you know that you are being primed
to become a member of the ‘robot class’.
Have been all along.

Fight the good cause by all means –
you won’t even know that you have become bio-capital.

Be safe, get vaxxed;
let your fears be ‘taken care of’.

The timing would have been the same, regardless the date –
this is a scheduled announcement :

On March 11th 2020 the World Economic Forum launched a covid business task force with over 200 of the most powerful corporations on the planet, a list that has grown more than five fold since then; the very same day the WEF partnered with the WHO and ,”hey presto”, the very same day they announced the ‘pandemic’.

How do you deal with the untouchables?
Your government is not accountable.
The C F R run their policy show. And ‘show’ it is.

The predatory corporate technofascist leviathan has a thousand heads, more than 2000, and counting, actually, but, the ‘architects’ at the top of this food chain require these lieutenants to merely organise the infrastucture – the game plan is decided elsewhere.

…but, it didn’t say that in my horoscope! 

Big data is the new armoury, the new market, the new casino.
And you are being groomed to become a chip.

Hyperdata centres have been projected within the model of the so called “Great Reset” to account for one third of energy consumption – thats right, one third of the global grid.

Ai demands it, and its Ai that will be running the show, is, in fact, at increasingly less mundane levels –

infringed’ yet?

Humans may set the algorithms in motion but, the pathways you are allowed to journey down are programmed to only allow you to demonstrate how well you fulfil the requirements of the system –
t’was ever thus, but, now the command centre is hidden beyond the Cloud(s).

Processing Life is a hungry business, if you are a machine.

Another perspective.

‘Their’ contribution to emissions is far greater
than the common people’s,

Their ‘green’ is red, an afterimage, by trick of the light.

But, remember, we may all be,
in some sense,
being engineered to operate within
and being shepherded to function
as slaves to the new feudal dictatorship,
but we did not design the system,
it is not our system,
and we don’t have to subscribe
to its dictates;
even if we diverge minimally,
it is the divergence
that makes the difference…

Screen Shot 2021-04-25 at 12.56.18

And then theres Covid.

Omali Yeshitela has variously called it the “colonial virus” or the “white man’s virus” – the derivative may apply, but, regardless, it is certainly a delivery system, for global colonisation of the human biome by biocapitalist technocracy.

Welcome to the new ‘environmental’ frontier –

not just your body.

Your mind.

Remember, the “green new deal” was written into the UN agenda 11 years ago – formulated much much earlier.

hyperscale data centres,
whose energy consumption will consume
30% of the national grid
by 2028 –
nuclear expansion,

search “Facebook cable Africa”

while kids are starving,
lack clean water,
and food,
is optimised,
is an induction
into their web
of profit
and intent

C M on humane tech;
“‘humane’ is to tech what ‘stakeholder’ is to capitalism, a rebranding excercise selling a kinder, newer, gentler form of oppression, exploitation and misery….”

Transfer of wealth in 2020 was unprecidented, billionaire wealth hit 10.2 trillion, the alarms went off, then, nothing happened, more of the same, the poor get poorer and the middle class, small businesses decimated, while the rich get richer….

Unboundaried political progressivism is a part of the gameplan, represents the tip of the ‘march towards authoritarianism’ iceberg, its faux mask…..communitariansim/anti-freedom

“when theres so much information either youʼll get limbic and cognitively hijacked into nonsense and be certain that its true and be willing to go take that enraged action upon it or youʼll just be overwhelmed and have no idea – access to info isnʼt what empowers you, (unlike) the ability to info process, pars the signal from the noise, aggregate the signal, have actionable intel…ʼʼ Schmachtenberger

To think about what is going on, how the world is evolving, moving and being moved forward is an immense challenge – just ‘one thing’ does not mean just one thing but ten things, twenty things, and so on, exponentially drawing on the power of algorithmic logic and data processing to remove human reasoning from the process of creating balance while distancing the ordinary person in the street from the very things that control their lives

“…..you canʼt win against the Ai algorithms, but they can be overcome”

bio-capitalism seeks to divest humans of direct involvement in nature, from being natural

post-covid poverty mining

smart sensor predictive policing

data and analysts
become the source
of ‘fact based’ policy directives,
a suitable cover
for political accountability

conditioned for compliance,
data sways the populace

“who voted in Commonpass, who decided that individual liberties would now be decided by apps advanced by corporate interests that stand to profit from population control….?” A McD

weaponised narrative

citizens as agents in behavioural economic equations,
the new ‘community police’

Screen Shot 2021-02-21 at 10.31.58

‘infringed’ yet?

‘theyʼ have factored in counter response, second and third order consequences, in fact they are relying on it, are using it, are creating it, to their advantage…

having to deal with meaninglessness – covid19 lockdown


an overcompensation ‘creating visible signsʼ as a response to the vacuum of abstraction

Polimorphia diversity

polymorphic overload reduces to the single fundamental denominators –


Overloaded statement –
where one thing means multiple things –
increases sensitivity to ‘PCʼ ‘censorshipʼ

exponential disinformation

Rationalising is the opposite of being rational –
backfilling the epistemology after the emotional leap

Mercury retro conjunct an eclipsed Sun?
a year of Neptune square the nodes,
and counting….

…..protect your senses and sensibilities:
ask yourself,
are your ideas your own,
have you been induced into that ‘view’….


civilisations may collapse but the people donʼt,
they persist
and their knowledge does too,
so long as it is remembered


We are developing along old growth patterns
which have actually superseded
their relevance

disconnect, disturbance – unworkable leadership?
Pursuing wrong goals for wrong rewards.

Solving opportunities, taking problems.

Unde-reaction, overreaction, inappropriate reaction –
why react when it has been anticipated.

Accountability crisis –
not that people died but why.

The spiral is the combination of the linear and the circular
Planets turn and tumble

You are discouraged
from slowing down enough
to take the circular route –
the roller coaster effect is
an information overload

The difference between ‘intelligenceʼ and evidence

Stochastic terrorism

“95% is psi-ops now” –
Major Jeffrey Prather
DEA expert cognitive assessment –

IQ (+ personality tests), intellectual property, trading now

Happiness for all TM – ‘Happytalismʼ

“Lets take our planet back”
search Illien Global

global fascism as max State control,
with a smile


The End Of Society

It doesnʼt matter whether its Rep or Dem (or ‘other’) in office,
if interest rates are on the up the ruling party stays in power…
Charles Nenner, economics expert


Tavistock Inst human relations. Joseph Triest
search ‘Corona-time notes’

2020 was being manufactured as a mnemonic for future control, manipulation and justification and,
(before anyone calls conspiracy theory on that one),
we are involved in its ongoing production in that capacity.

Every comment, post, meme, like, tweet, contributes.
Even if it is not your intent.
Loading the year as a temporal marker is inevitable.
Whatever happens.

But, there is something in the nature
of social media and internet as a vehicle,
as an heuristic medium,
that overrides its purposeful use for
communication and connectivity alone.

2021 continues the roll-out, the trials, the experiment….
how far can the boundaries be pushed,
a rhetorical reality
in the shape of
a shape

Shape the technology around the vision,
not the other way around…

donʼt panic, thrive!

“….and stupidity will get us out”
thanks, Homer

Then, there’s ‘the stats’

Screen Shot 2021-05-16 at 11.08.08

The ‘numbers gameʼ both acts as a distraction
and hides the truth.

but its worse than that – the war is invisible to the extent that your mind is made up before you even get to the cause you are fighting, or rather has been made up for you through constant grooming in the direction which you yourself are sending it, through your own online activity

and all this before the frequencies are modulated within the 5G spectrum to optimum effect upon your neural integrity

Governments practicing ‘domestic terrorismʼ,
while the corporate juggernaut
impliments intents and



instruments of suppression;
did you notice the

suppression of rallies and protests for independence
cf Hong Kong….China

The attack on religion –
gene manipulation –
vis Vmat2 gene suppression/elimination
via respiratory virus immunisation –
search FunVax

People working to expose crimes against humanity
will talk of ‘exploiting’ the truth….

beware, the ‘house of cards’
built on unquestioned assumptions

Covid 19 is a branded campaign, a terror campaign…..

…..research into increasing/amplify a protein strain,
creating a weaponised covid virus,
began in 2001
leading to a US patent in 2007 for recombinant coronavirus (filed 2002).

David Martin – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc1qY8ybQfE

@ 11l20m >>

2005, HCQ is ok for treatment of coronavirus ^^^

229 mutations of corona virus as of mid April 2020

manipulate numbers for economic gain,
incite fear to (domestic terrorism)
affect government policy
and manipulate flow of capital.
(Palantir – Peter Teal?)
(Get Gates – problem will not go away)



Biochemistry/Data Sciences/Structured Finance must all be included in any enquiry or someone/perpetrator gets away scot free –
interlocking capital and power behind the frontman….

predatory corporatism

The IDOL is ‘commercially financed scienceʼ;
enrichment at expense of public repetition
is essential to a simulation becoming convincing

live vs survival
inquiry vs indoctrination
informed vs instructed
Sovereign vs seduced (only the compliant or entitled to rights)
Courage vs crowd
Liberty vs indentured
– DM

Leftist liberalism is generating the very underlying set of conditions necessary to racism – while being in complete denial

demonstrate systemic blindness

all inclusive, to the gameplan

failure of individual psyche and propensity to buy into the big lie

The Lefts demand for Fascists far outstrips the supply….

‘a bit more violence and we might yet get to utopiaʼ

We had a lot of retrograde motion since this all began,
and there’s more coming

retrograde motion is interiorised, progressing with the brake on, covering old ground, having the same message repeated with slight variations, over and over again.

Variation is in fact being substituted for change,
and hasn’t it been said already
repetition is essential for simulation to become convincing.

The scenario is on a repeat loop.

We have been quite literally in a holding zone.


But, before we go, a word from our sponsors….

Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, can be identified with the top down end of the decision making process, and they have been working in unison since December 2019.

That just happens to be coincidental with both Jupiterʼs ingress to tropical Capricorn and the first publicly reported cases of the Corona Virus and the seeding of the threat of the virus spreading.

Let us not forget

This relates directly to
our capacity for
individual thinking
and creativity.

Decisions here are personalised –
even in the apparent midst
of imposed conditions,
we can be self determining.

This time last year
a creative energy was beginning to flourish
and find expression
during Venus retrograde in Gemini,
building its own momentum,
and it continued to do so
until Venus exited the shadow zone
of her retrograde,
at the end of July.

That was our signal.
Did you catch it,
amidst the ‘noise’?

(In the meantime
the same old narrative
churning away
trying to mould our minds
into a sufficiently malleable state
of submission to make
personal decision making
a thing of the past……)

“Those who kept the ceremonies going underground…

Those that kept the sacred fires burning…

Those that continue to speak the languages of our people…

Those that sang the songs of the land, of the ancestors.

And so it is today, that we must rely on those who have kept the sacred fires burning…

Those that keep our lodges going…

Those that speak the languages of our people…

The language is really the language of the land itself.”

"Senorita Muerte 2004", pencil on paper, 23"x16"laurie lipton

last image : ‘Senorita Muerte’, 2004, with thanks to
the great Laurie Lipton

Venus and the New Moon

What if I were to tell you that things were never going to get back to ‘normal’. You’d probably say “damn right”, and “we don’t mean them to either”, no?

Or this. That the lockdown was going to have lasting effect, will change our lives for ever, and that we may never return to the same degree of freedoms we had before 2020 began. Less appealing, that one?

How about if I said that your liberty is no longer your choice? I imagine you’d either call BS, say something to the effect of “over my dead body” or at the least feel a sharp pang of the discomfort that being in enforced ‘lockdown’ has made familiar over the last two months or more, no? No fear of, or dread at the prospect?

I mean, how many would simply go along with the third of these scenarios, willingly, even though we know that they are all on the collective radar right now.

Well, here’s the deal….in one part of the zodiac we have a triad of planets that are busy holding us hostage to making all three of the above a reality, one way or another, while another group of heavenly bodies half way across the heavens are saying “nope’, ‘ain’t going to be like that”, and between them is a third group who are setting both groups to either “put up or shut up”, and will use both force and coercion, agitation and deception, to that end, and are playing both devil’s advocate and divine provocateurs in the process.

This new Moon in Gemini has spawned all kinds of bright and shiny forecasts for the next month and the encouragement that they bring is going to help a great many people cope with the current prospects, at least for a moment.

But, tomorrow is another day, and unless you want it to be just like the one that has gone before, which is almost the normative experience now and possibly the best ‘option’ for far too many, the real and most urgent answer to all those planetary inputs is this :

“Get on your feet and stand up for your rights. Period. ‘Cos that is what is at stake here, friends and folks.”

We are not talking human rights here either – they can be changed, any time, by those who hold the power of State, legislation and economic control.

No, these are what in common law are called “God given rights” – inviolable, indigenous to you as a natural born human and the stronger of the two, by far, if you are ready and able to stand up for them and exercise them.

Thing is, not pushing those who have suffered horribly at ‘the hands of the virus’ aside, the people who have probably been least affected by the conditions surrounding the Covid19 pandemic are those for whom solitude and the opportunity and space this gives to explore that fertile inner space is in fact ‘the norm’, and a desirable norm at that; the artists, the creative and curious, the meditative, thinkers, imaginers and the lovers of nature – they at least are going to have a good chance at making something useful out of this situation, in spite of it all, no?

You’ve seen the memes…..artist before, artist during, artist after….showing the same image.

Yes, even the meme is a pastiche on reality, which should be obvious but tickles the mind curiously with an undisclosed truth, which can also be felt and sensed.

Those endowed with the mindset and approach to our current circumstances that will benefit the most are fortunate, if this is indeed the case, but the Gemini lunation pulls focus on this, brings it under the spotlight of our personal lives, and in so doing draws attention to the wider issues at stake and asks the question – beyond all that, WHAT IS BEING BIRTHED in this moment, in this time?

How well prepared are you to answer this question, what are your inner resources, can you turn a dream into reality, the dream you have always known was living inside you, waiting to be given its chance.

Well, this is it. In spite of everything.

Venus retrograde, with Mercury enspiriting her step, say this is where to pay attention, and what to tap into, that birthing energy of something more desirable than anything that has led to this ridiculous impasse, and any passivity with which its oppressive restrictions are being met.

Sure. But this is way deeper than is obvious from simply getting heart centred and kushti with the vision of “a more beautiful world you know is possible”.

This is not the time for romantic idealism, but for radical, anomalous, and lastingly conceived birthing, and ‘action’.

Venus in these circumstances is, actually, fucking kick-ass!

Venus is inconjunct the heavy triad of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto centred around Cardinal earth, an aspect that makes Her energies and values, and influence on our actions, dissociated from but indirectly connected with this authoritarian trio and their orthodoxies of control and magnanimous disruption.

Its not that she ignores, doesn’t see or hear their shenanigans, how can She not? No.

Regardless, She goes deep into her own inner world and pulls up a new resource, taps into a deep vein and retrogrades through her own inner transformation and as She does so indicates the process that this new energised creative focus must take for us too.

To be focused on being unconditioned in our expression, is an essential, but, to move from the mysterious and profoundly dreaming night time universality of the Evening Star, her more romantic guise you might say, into the dream grounding sensual beauty making guardian of reality that the Morning Star brings into our skies and world over the next 10 months – that is the key to unlocking these times She offers.

That is where She’s at.

She is the undaunted amazonian warrior spirited self leader we all need to embody.

She is the fearless protector of the planet Earth.

She exists in us all, the indigenous memory and realisation of which has, in all reality, been burned, dogmatised, programmed from the core of our knowing and being by a murderous intent whose time is now up.

Except, that memory cannot be extinguished. it lives on.

It is up to each of us how we respond, but, make no mistake – there is not a person alive who can’t, who does not have the necessary spark.

Unusual times require unusual responses, and, as some wise fool once said, the world does not suffer from too much imagination, but, too little.

These are gritty times, make no mistake – this is not an illusion, and you know it. It is a challenge, The Challenge.

Mars and Neptune are converging in Pisces, squaring the Geminian resurgence.

Use the energy of Mars to roll that grit, thats stuck in the craw of your deepest knowing, into a pearl of exquisite and shimmering beauty and untold value, that illuminates the spiritual realm within the zodiac that Jupiter and Neptune preside over with the inextinguishable phosphorescence of your imagination come alive.

There is a dream waiting to be acknowledged in there, in your heart, and you know it full well.

Take this opportunity, while the planets support us, to give it the chance at reality it deserves.

There is a world crowning into existence at this moment.

Get with this beat, pick up this pulse and RAISE A COUNTER CULTURE that will eclipse the ‘paradigm of control’ that the triad of heavy hitters in Capricorn/Aquarius would see prevail.

‘They’ have their part to play in all this, for sure, grist to the mill of millennia, and shapers of the future that has now become our pressing present reality for too long, without a doubt, but the question here is, whose future and who decides?

The answer is in your hands and mine.

Blessed be!


April 10th Venus enters shadow zone at 5°21’ Gemini
May 13th 17.45 UTC Venus stations rx at 21°50’
May 22nd – 8.42 UTC Mercury Venus cj 20°12’ square Neptune
May 22nd – 17.37 UTC Sun Moon cj at 2°05’
June 3rd 17.45 UTC Venus transit Sun at 13°36’
June 5th Penumbral lunar eclipse at 15°34’ Sagittarius
June 21st Total solar eclipse at 0°21’ Cancer
June 25th Venus stations direct at 5°21’ Gemini
July 28th Venus leaves shadow zone at 21°50’ Gemini

A Message from the Stars

Goddesses of the sky (1)

I want to tell you a story thats happening now. It is unfolding in the sky and under the Earth. Its sheroes are the Goddesses of deep earth wisdom.

Our story begins on the eve of Orion’s advent. Since ancient times this day, which now coincides with May 11th in our modern calendar, was used by the ancients and ancestral star seers to mark time and terrestrial events, through significant risings such as that of Orion’s constellation and of Orion’s Dog Star Sirius.

But Orion is not alone here. The great hunter is looking directly towards the head of the Bull belonging to the constellation of Taurus, and beyond that, above the Bull’s horns, lies the constellation of Persius, slayer of Medussa, as the myth would have it.

As Orion sets at dusk on this day, Venus, poised to turn retrograde on the 13th, is now visible in the falling night sky shining from the very tip of the northern most horn of the Bull.

Venus, who currently travels in the guise of Aphrodite Urania, the Evening Star, daughter of Gaia, is still very bright in the evening sky, but as she turns and begins travelling back to meet the Sun, her face will darken and very quickly become a bright crescent before being swallowed up in the Sun’s rays.

In transiting between Earth and Sun she arrives at her closest point to our planet and  from here enters the underworld on the way to being reborn as the Morning Star, Aphrodite Pandemos. In this guise she will journey as daughter of Dione, another name of the great Earth Goddess. Her journey through this solar gateway into the chthonic realm begins exactly on the Bull’s forehead – but, there is more still.

While all this is happening Mercury, the planet of messages and transactions between the worlds, is passing through the constellation of Taurus, running close by the Pleiades star cluster at the heart of the Bull, to emerge from between the horns of Taurus before his ingress to one of his home signs, Gemini. As he does so he meets with asteroid Eurydike and SDO Sedna, and together they will fall into alignment with Algol the brightest star in the Persius constellation.

Mercury will move on but Euridike and Sedna will remain in exact alignment with Algol on the day of Venus transit of the Sun and entry into the underworld. Algol is the star of Medussa. The goddesses are joining forces.

Mercury is alerting us to the common ground shared by these powerful women, and a deeply significant message that the Goddess is bringing in Her return journey. First let’s revisit Medussa because her story is of the greatest significance here.

Medussa, is a great seer who has become totally distorted into a terrifying gorgon. The very myth of Persius is an explicit portrayal of the appropriation of ancient feminine wisdom, of the Earth goddess and her sisters. It clearly portrays the violent methodology which the new masculine sky gods wielded, that was responsible for suppressing and destroying so much of the ancient legacy that, in truth, belongs to us all.

Such was the indigenous legacy of the great living lineages of priestesses and initiatrix, carrying and protecting chthonic wisdom. As is so often the case, the symbology has not only suffered at the hands of the masculine gods, it has been used to violate the Goddess.

But, Medussa was a seer in this tradition.

Many traditions of seership emphasise the importance of being able to hold a high degree of clarity and focus in the midst of distraction, and extreme conditions, not unlike our own, and have built excercises into the training that follows initiation that help develop this faculty. It is almost as if we are now entering the heart of that training. To do so willingly is the invitation.

Algol is associated with Medussa and placed in the hands of Persius in his constellation. But, we have been given the end result of a story that makes Persius look the hero, and it is the vilification of Medussa that enabled him to rise to this false status.

Medussa was the priestess raped by Poseidon/Neptune in Minerva/Athena’s temple. And yet it was She and not the gods who was held responsible for this violation by Athena – Athena, the motherless child of Zeus. For her ‘crime’ Medussa was given her serpent hair and deadly reputation, all in return for a violation of the sacred precincts, in which she was not the perpetrator, but, its victim. But, this too is the propagandised version, designed to justify the misogynist agenda.

In fact Medussa was an initiatrix in the spiritual path of the cthonic earth Goddess, a divine mortal possessed of extreme Beauty, Power and Grace. 

The snake maned priestess decapitated by Perseus has little resemblance to this vision of the fully empowered divinity in woman; her symbols turned against her, she has been demonised to the point of dissociation from her roots.

Until our time this has been the political purpose served by the myth, a suitable repository for the ‘unacceptable’ face of initiated and empowered woman; a mirror of that which men have been conditioned to demote and despise, She is also the image of the defiled yet all powerful Earth feared of men in their separatist madness.

The curse of petrification she carries is rather a testament to the immense power her eyes radiate. It is the symbol of initiation into the very Earth herself, overturned.

She has incredibly potent vision, yes, but, it is the snakes that signify her source of power. It is the power of creation that flows within the earth realms, the lightingbolt that condenses light into plasma, that illuminates the neural pathways of the unconditioned pleroma.

Snakes are its living symbol and medicine animal. Petrification is the opposite of its effect rather than its corrollary, but it turns the symbol of initiation into the Earth mysteries into an instrument of fear, rather than empowerment of the soul.

The truth is far from that which we have been indoctrinated into believing by the myth. In the light of this knowledge, Persius looks more of a coward and fool than a hero. His name comes from the Greek pérthein, “to waste, ravage, sack, destroy”, and literally means ‘sacker of cities’. He is venerated as a hero for slaying monsters, but had been blinded, programmed by his own thirsts and needs, to the very nature of the encounter he was offered through Medussa and the opportunity it gifted to him.

The gift of Medussa is seership, of connection with the creative power of Earth herself,  of her inner cycles and the endless spiral of life, the very powers that keep us vitally connected with and embedded within the cosmos beyond this world.

In the human frame this power can be sourced at the deeper centres, but, its voice is most clearly heard through our subtler senses, through our intuitive insight, and its wisdom equally accessed through gut feeling as the higher vibrational layers of our energy body.

Some call this primal, but, while it is certainly intense, it could just as easily be called sublime, trancendant even. It lives in ancient sites, waiting to be connected with. It runs throughout the Earth, a living river of many streams beneath our feet. It connects us with the stars, a truth known to many of the seeing traditions.

In slaying the Medussa Perseus was obeying the rational dictates of his goddess Athena, the myth overlaying symbolism onto the historical transference of primary feminine power and wisdom to the more secular and masculinised figure of the goddess born fully armed from Zeus forehead.

Athena kept Medussa’s head as the protective boss of her shield, ironically signifying that her sacred law was to be regarded as beyond question; she brought martial means to maintaining law. She was wise, still, but her gaze was very much on the world of men.

However, the antidote to this weapon of fear which Medussa’s gaze had become, can be found exactly facing the constellation of Perseus in the constellation of Ophiuchus, rising in the eastern night sky as Venus sets in the west in this time.

Ophiuchus the serpent bearer holds the snake in both hands and applies its primary healing powers to the mortal world. Indeed, it is said Ophiuchus, or Asclepius as he is also identified, was the greatest of healers, so much so that he angered the gods with his ability to restore life to the dead and, ultimately, paid for his abilities with exile to the star realms.

Ironically, in the end it was Athena who made the crucial difference here as she bestowed two phials of the Medussa’s blood into Asclepius possession, one from Medussa’s left side which gave the power to mete out death, the other from her right side which gave the power of to overcome death. The healer chose to use the latter and in so doing tipped the balance.

But, it is in this balance across the opposing sides of the ecliptic that we find the goddess and the primal creative wisdom represented in our times. Indicative of healing the Geminian division between the right and left brain it is Venus message to us that our encounter with the Medussa can allow this balance to be restored. Medussa’s head is the embodied consiousness of that primal wisdom which has been initiated into a deep understanding of all that creates, heals and destroys within the natural flow of life, the Earth Goddess wisdom – we must restore it to the body of our world and, trusting her guidance, follow the pathways it opens to us. 

Both these constellations point to the balance of extremes, not in duality, but as a living power to be grasped in both hands.

There is a trace of this in our dowsing of the earth powers and subterranean water courses. We have the power to connect with these powers built into our human frame, the senses we need to do so are indigenous to us. But, this is a special time, in which the powers of the Earth mother, her wisdom and its message for us offer a corrective and healing for the world, and for us, Her children. 

With  care and practice, prayer and veneration where it is due, we can restore these powers to our lineage and our connection with the Earth, her soul and spirit.

The Medussa’s head and its primary state of fully awakened unconditioned consciousness is not to be feared, but, re-united with our own creative energy – in doing so the restorative healing it can unleash in our world is unlimited.

Sedna’s own story, a reflection of Medussa’s in many ways, joins forces with Medussa and with Eurydice, who was ‘bitten’ by the snake and, as the myth would have it, consigned to the underworld. We can now see that this too is an appropriated story, hidden in its core the very image of the initiates journey. This will pass on to Mercury, a message for us now. Venus will bring that message home at this turning of the tides.

Mercury will meet with Venus on the 21st May on the horn of the Bull, just as the Sun passes by the Pleiades. One day later the Moon joins the Sun in the heart of the Bull. On 4th June Venus transits the Sun between the Bull’s horns. One day later a penumbral eclipse of the Moon ushers in a new relationship to the Goddess from the constellation of Ophiucus and the sign of Sagittarius. It is time for our lives to embody a new and ancient story.

Undoubtedly, Medussa, Venus and all the representatives of the divine Earth now challenge Us to respond. Only fear and conditioning stand in the way of doing so. But, we know what is asked of us to overcome these obstacles. And the gifts we stand to gain are our own, once stolen, now ready to be restored.

Blessed Be!

the Chauvet goddess and bulls head

20-20 part 3


The highest need of re-emergence, when it is time, is to do so within a landscape of realisations which by virtue of their own true nature demand to be grounded in life. This is not a landscape that is pre-packaged and predetermined for us to be accepted without question, or which bears no respect for life. This can no longer happen – that particular genie is well and truly out of the bottle. These are realisations born of our own inner experiences, the ability we have to be self reflective and aware of our own innate conscious reality. They confirm and are confirmed by the world.

It is possible to become enamoured of that inner world, to fall under its glamour too. The way in which our own truths are accepted within the world, the degree of respect they generate, and the degree to which they appear anomalous in the world but are able to find an integral place within it are all part of the intrinsic composting process which gives rise to healthy cultures and societies. We all participate in this.

Some, however will resist, buck against the process, against some of its products and creations, and get well and truly locked into their prevailing mind-set, becoming deeply entrenched in beliefs that they subsequently become convinced they can’t live without. These may well be the foot-soldiers of any NWO that might attempt to establish itself. All the options which they might consider their sacred cows have already been patented.

This is the root of a pernicious bifurcation, is very real, and very tangible. It is also a recipe not only for cognitive dissonance but for chronic polarisation, which is a dis-ease itself and, the degree to which such polarity is allowed to manifest outwardly is very much a part of the current battle. Our own inner explorations are an essential part of maintaining immunity to this disease.

It is an ongoing battle in these times.

You can see it in the most mundane sense in the war thats been raging on political fronts, in conflicts between PC police, censorship and freedom of speech, for example. Social media is one of its major battle fronts, but, at a much more sinister level, it is our minds and bodies which are really on the front line. Being sucked into the virtual vortex is a real danger.

There is undoubtedly a spiritual as well as a mental war going on here and eclipses on the new Gemini Sagittarius nodal axis will bring its tensions, points of conflict and disparity to the fore as we try to extricate ourselves from the worst aspects of the past and navigate towards the future. This too is a part of the clarification process that is underway, and even though it appears to be anathema to a raising of consciousness or inner upgrading, it is a necessarily truthful part of the process.


Many people are aware of the need to change the narrative, to find a new story so to speak. It is an impulse that been with us a long time.

The first wave of this phenomenon in the current era has been building quietly now for more than half a century, ever since the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo its underlying effect has been undeniably present.

The second wave began to come in during the eighties, notably through Neptunian and Uranian influences and technologies activating Sagittarius and Capricorn, essentially grounding non-physical realities within our midst.

The third wave is now coming in to land, fuelled by the entire planetary matrix. We are on the cusp of something both anomalous to the present paradigm and deeply relevant to us as humans, and in the process are activating our electrical nature and energy bodies.

This is a part of the vision, the strange attractor pulling us forwards. It is a far cry from fear of a pandemic, which is being used to do little more than suppress and dumb us down, and attempts to blind us to our own greatness. We should pay heed. The north node’s new emphasis on intelligent perception, meaningful cohesion, connection and communication is where this must first be translated into ‘a story that has legs’.

In opening up the imagistic inner realms, the nodal axis emphasises the undervalued immaterial aspects of ourselves which themselves carry a high degree of immunity to the various forms of pandemic infection that afflict contemporary life. The artistic spirit knows this, and we are all imbued with imagination – just as the ancestors who inspired Jean-Michel Geneste’s words in Chauvet cave were. We are them, and they us.

The dreamers and those who are able to truly ground their connection with the ‘dreamtime’ will be seen to be a new and vital source of power, and empowerment. This is the power that holds the line with all who have come before and will come after us. Our creativity is the sap that flows through this lineage, these roots and feeds the branches through to their tips and the fruit that grows from them. Its a vision that knows its own freedom, carries its own seeds – its time is with us, and we can sense it growing in strength.

The inner qualities highlighted here are a reflection of our personal ability to direct our own energy through consciousness.

It is certain that we will emerge from these times different as a people. They present us with is a golden opportunity, to change our relationship with the past, and to reorient ourselves towards the future. Both past and future change when we do so, and this is the gift of working with the nodal axis.

In Gemini and Sagittarius consciousness and awareness become truly creative powers. They are ours to use in restoring good relations with life and, more importantly, in finally letting the voice of our souls sing. We are gifted with the most remarkable place in which to do so.

Be of good heart, and keep your eyes on the goal.

Blessed Be!

Link to part 1

Link to part 2

Saturn stations retrograde 11th May, 1°57′ Aquarius
Mercury enters Gemini 12th May
Mars enters Pisces May 13th
Venus stations retrograde 13th May, 21°50′ Gemini
Jupiter stations retrograde 15th May,  27°14′ Capricorn

Penumbral lunar eclipse June 5th, 15°34′ Sagittarius
Total solar eclipse June 21st, 0°21′ Cancer
Penumbral lunar eclipse July 5th, 13°38′ Capricorn
Penumbral lunar eclipse November 30th, 8°38′ Gemini
Total solar eclipse December, 23°08′ Sagittarius

20-20 part 2

Leopard woman's cave

The new nodal phase, through Gemini/Sagittarius, will last until the end of 2021, by which time Jupiter will have become domiciled in Pisces, and Mars will have travelled through 80% of the zodiac, all the way round to Sagittarius.

But then there’s Saturn again, the double domicile planet through these times, which means Saturnian qualities are informing the process of change to a very high degree,  and don’t we know it.

By mid 2021 Saturn will have become embedded in the radical if not dangerous looking square with Uranus, between fixed Air and fixed Earth, that is also bubbling up now.

This is a zeitgeist affair, another battle of wills, but fought at a collective level, and it tends to rest more on how technology and material resources are controlled and used, as well as their relationship to each other, which can be both aggressively conditioning and progressive, liberating. This could be a time for advanced technology to emerge from the wings – to what end, we might ask. What damage will have been amassed, during Venus retrograde in particular, that is beyond repair and how will this justify radical action, especially economic action?

However this plays out, it should be obvious in the here and now, Saturn is key in all this.

Saturn is strong having been domicile for the last two and a half years in Capricorn and continuing domicile in Aquarius until 2023. We are all required to work with the Saturn effect, to learn from it and develop our selves in the process, and that begins with its retrograde on May 11th 2020.

While for the remainder of the year Saturn covers old ground, backtracking into Capricorn, it is obvious that we are not out of the woods yet, by any means.

In terms of our current situation, if Saturn in Aquarius has been synonymous with ‘social distancing’ and ‘lockdown’, a change in the quality and focus being brought to those conditions is yet available and is in fact much more ‘in our own hands’ than we might believe.

When Saturn stations retrograde it intensifies, like all the planets, but Saturn is already pretty intense and that can turn situations – whether ‘for the better or not’ is exactly what Saturn challenges us to decide.

Things are seeking to get ‘real’ here, very real, to be more fully ‘in their own truth’, so to speak, and this applies especially to how and what we perceive. The constrictive conditions we have been experiencing and the apparent necessity they arise from all now come under much harder scrutiny. But, it is in our compass to find meaning in our own liberation under these restrictions.

Many have turned to the virtual world to increase the dialogue around these issues – now we are encouraged to bring the inner dialogue to the fore as a part of this external networking. This is visible but the nodal emphasis asks for a diagnostic assessment of the health of this dialogue – does it rest on lived experience, and what hinders it? It is certainly being challenged, directed, censored and manipulated. The awareness we bring to this is crucial.

The prevalent war on information and communication, its online battle ground, especially in terms of social media, weapons of censorship and manipulation of intel, will see intensification and, potentially, will manifest through harder restrictions being imposed on the one hand and transformative development simultaneously taking place within its wider domains on the other.

In a way, “lockdown” has yet to deliver its full ‘potential’.

Breakaway platforms are developing for information sharing, insights into the technology of censorship, its controlling bodies and entities, and how to circumvent them are increasing rapidly. A consequence of this, which is absolutely key, is a tangible elevation of awareness and conscious participation in sharing what this awareness reveals.

This may be the unsung tech revolution we had not fully anticipated. Not so much an evolution of the hardware, but of the users mentality and consciousness as an inventive resource in its own right, and as an instrument of cohesion.

It also enables deeper understanding to be developed collectively and collaboratively. And even though there is resistance to this evolutionary impulse, through censorship and propagandisation, through falsification and manipulation of data, the momentum of this impulse is gathering.

Superfluities fall away, illusions begin to either congeal and dry up or evaporate under such scrutiny and our task in the immediate future, for Saturn is ever the task master, is to apply ourselves to this role, to apply it to our selves, to our own lives, as well as the world and events in which we find ourselves.

While it is a process available to all, not all will treat of it in the same way.

Even when we are truly willing to engage with the zeitgeist, many are still pulled into partiality and a need to ‘identify’ in the process. If we can resist partiality however, our inner faculties undergo a purification which, if taken to the higher level, increases the range of perception we are capable of. This is not simply objective thinking and perception, if such is truly possible, it is grounded observation. Grounding into reality in this way can be powerful.

But, we are still playing with fire. This too is a preamble on the themes belonging to the new nodal axis and the celestial matrix through this year. The technologies of the power base have been shifting the front line quite deliberately into the mental and spiritual realms for some time.


We should be mindful now of the time frame here; in truth, even if we do not see a radical shift out of the current circumstances before year’s end, the work we do in the meantime will be of the highest value and meaning when we come to cross the threshold of solstice and enter 2021.

Essentially, we have seven months to ensure that we are not going to back peddle ourselves into a culdesac and subsequently start building a future that no-one wants, no one with a natural born soul that is.

Neither is this going to involve a return, of any kind, to the ‘norm’. It can’t be.

2020 is a truly threshold year. It involves exposure of dysfunctional elements in our current paradigm and offers the opportunity to not only set about correcting them, but to transcend the limitations that stopped us from doing so, limitations that have attempted to cripple our innate and true human genius for so long. In a very real sense I think this is also what Jean-Michel Geneste is speaking to.

Thats a huge prospect, but a very real one, and I think we all sense it. It also has very real consequences ‘on the ground’.

The south node in Sagittarius speaks to this as well.

Even if the old structures that hold the dominant paradigm together are recommissioned, major flaws inherent to the old paradigm have already been irrevocably exposed and it will take an unusual degree of force to retain the old paradigmatic narrative beyond this time.

We can clearly see some of the elements that would apply that force now being manoeuvred into place. Even if many of them are using Covid19 as a Trojan Horse, which, despite all other truths pertaining to it, it undoubtedly is, it is far from inevitable that those elements and forces will prevail, and that is really what this shift is all about.

We should also watch out for Mars retrograde in Aries through the last four months of the year and how this dynamic plays into and feeds this transition – there could be tremendous build up of energy through this time and its release will need clear heads to make sure it is used wisely when it comes.

This will also bring this paradigmatic tussle to a boil as Mars squares Saturn throughout its own retrograde period, domicile in Aries.

Jupiter’s retrograde will also feed the fire, bringing the focus back into power base Capricorn. When Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn and rejoins with Pluto and Jupiter, the unfinished business of the first half of this year is going to boil up and present itself for deeper analysis. It will almost certainly try to reassert itself materially as well. The rhetoric could get very hot, and the restrictions with it.

I would expect a second wave of the virus, in some form or another, at this time. We should be mindful of the correlates surrounding the viral outbreak, the secondary issues and opportunistic interventions which unfold under its umbrella of justification. October through November looks to be the most intense period in this respect with retrograde Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, once more in close conjunction, all turning direct again.

To give it a time stamp, the Mars Saturn square will be kicking in from the end of July  2020 and sustains, by sign, through until spring 2012. This is useful to know, but, the square will ultimately play out through the fixed signs of Taurus (Mars) and Aquarius (Saturn) and with Uranus in the mix in Taurus it is difficult to predict what outcomes it may represent at that time.

It does represent a battle of wills, between the individual and the State, between individualism and societal control, the ‘small person’ with fire in their belly and the institutionalised forces of containment. But we’ll return to that aspect in more detail as it grows in strength and review developments in the process. At this stage we can only speculate; the landscape is shifting and nothing is truly clear cut.

While coming out of what is effectively the semi-coma of ‘lockdown’ is inevitable and happening, in some shape or form, there in fact is ‘the rub’.

It is a question of who determines the shape and form that re-emergence takes. The coming months are very focused in this respect and the Mars Saturn square is a battle of wills which suggest that as year end approaches it is not only elections and ‘political’ power that will inform what comes after.

Link to part 3

Link to part 1

Saturn stations retrograde 11th May, 1°57′ Aquarius
Mercury enters Gemini 12th May
Mars enters Pisces May 13th
Venus stations retrograde 13th May, 21°50′ Gemini
Jupiter stations retrograde 15th May,  27°14′ Capricorn

Penumbral lunar eclipse June 5th, 15°34′ Sagittarius
Total solar eclipse June 21st, 0°21′ Cancer
Penumbral lunar eclipse July 5th, 13°38′ Capricorn
Penumbral lunar eclipse November 30th, 8°38′ Gemini
Total solar eclipse December, 23°08′ Sagittarius




“…..we have been blessed with an unexpected gift as a result of our constrained confinement. 

It is a time for the emergence of a new spiritual quality, which is a more interior time. This inner time, which is specific to our species, invites sharing and otherness among all. Imagination and poetry find their place in the luxury of this “regained time.”

“The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet,” writes Novalis. In this crisis of the outer world questioning so many parameters, including some of the most profound ones affecting our human condition and the awareness we have of ourselves, shall we regain a soul?”

Jean-Michel Geneste – March 2020,

who wrote the above in response to Chauvet Cave, the 35 thousand year old paintings which the ancestors left there and the inspiration these bring to our times.

I came across this quote shortly after finishing the penultimate draft of this post. It echoes themes which found their way into the writing, even though I had not set off to write about them – this was in fact supposed to be a brief report on the current lunations; it turned into something else, out of necessity as, working with the full Scorpio Moon, I was pulled ever more deeply into the inner realms of our current situation, much of which points directly towards what Jean-Michel Geneste speaks of so eloquently. As a result, the article before you has now been separated into three parts, each of a more digestible size, of which this is the first. It attempts to translate something of this shift, this re-emergence, sourced in the celestial and imaginative realms, in terms of the present context. In spirit with its core theme, it begins with a deceptively immaterial yet imminently potent recent astrological event…..

A shift in signs of the Moon’s nodal axis on May 5th now sees the north node transiting Gemini, the south node now in Sagittarius. This subtle change in the zodiacal region in which the Moon’s orbit crosses the Sun’s apparent path in the sky may not be headline news, certainly in these times, but it is far from insignificant.

Eclipses in June, July and December 2020 which represent turning points, points of resolve and the actions that follow, will not only be qualitatively different under this nodal pull, but what works for us in the coming months will rest on our being truly cognisant of what ‘needs’ to happen and commit to acting on this intel, a direct reflection of the nodal axis’ new focus.

This represents a development in thinking rather than emotion based decision making.  We have had a year and a half of exploring the relationship between expressions of worldly power and the emotional body’s integrity. Now, analysis and perception become especially important. But, so does our relationship with the immaterial worlds.

When working with the nodes we bring immaterial senses into play, senses that inform the soul, facilitate communication between the seen and unseen aspects of life. The relationship between power and emotion seen through the lens of cardinal earth and water highlights the strengths and weaknesses of these senses within these realms.

Now, we are drawn into the mutable elements of fire and air to explore more deeply the ways in which our soul translates experience and communicates between the dense and subtle realms via the lens of Gemini and Sagittarius.

Understanding and our relationship to information and knowledge via the agency of awareness,  intelligent sentience and resonance have a greater bearing on how we experience the world with this axial shift.

This in turn informs our overview, and our philosophical outlook shifts in accordance. We can live life differently according to these communications and understandings, this awareness.

This shift is characteristic of the emergent realm of enhanced coherence, and in this realm the world is illuminated as a conscious living entity. This is the world we come back to when we find our own inner light illuminating and integrated with consciousness. It is all one light, in fact.

It can be deeply divine to experience, but, it can also be humble and practical.

When eclipses in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius occur, they bring opportunities for clarifying our minds and changing the way we think about things, for putting clear thinking into action and for bringing meaningful actions to bear where they are most needed.

We can utilise eclipses as opportunities to discard the redundant and propagate our potential; in the midst of current circumstances this offers some hope, but, ‘the buck stops here’ and self-responsibility is also being very strongly highlighted in these times, as will become apparent.


The first of those coming eclipses will be a penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th which opens the doorway to the next 2 years of eclipse cycles on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.

This initial eclipse is by nature quite peripheral but it carries the sting of being a full Moon exactly square Mars in Pisces. And Mars in Pisces talks to one of the underlying themes of these times, namely the spiritual damage caused by intellectual and philosophical warfare and its tangible consequences. The emphasis here is on regulating the energies of mental and spiritual health, which falls in line with the nodal shift very clearly. Being mindful of burnout and emotional exhaustion is highlighted. Not getting caught up in the undertow of emotional tidal waves, or being infected by a pandemic of repurposed facts, information and beliefs.

This is a conflict that very much undermines peoples ability to know ‘truth’, and the erosion of cohesion with and connection tosource‘, factors which affect us both collectively and individually.

The second and third, a total solar eclipse on June 21st and the following penumbral eclipse on July 5th, by sign are both  still activating the Capricorn Cancer axis, and they will be the last to do so for a decade, so working with them centres on cleaning up essential business and detritus from the last ten years, and especially the last six months. That in itself is a major undertaking.

False philosophies must be identified. The mechanisms of generating consensus and manipulating thought and understanding made more deeply aware to us. This is a massively important process for our future.

Importantly for now though, working with these midyear eclipses will enable the Gemini/Sagittarius blueprint to be more clearly utilised and built upon, especially when we get to the end of the year when we’ll see another penumbral lunar eclipse, this time  in Gemini, and a following total solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

The immediate planetary matrix, however, sheds more light on this revision and ‘clean up’ operation and points the way to what’s coming later in the year.

In the second half of the current lunation three planets turn retrograde and, pulling the gravity of the full Moon further into the personal sphere, initiate this process by turning it inward and intensifying it.

If consciously worked with Saturn stationing retrograde on the 11th May, Venus stationing retrograde on the 13th, and Jupiter stationing retrograde on the May 15th, will not only encourage the internal changes necessary to take full advantage of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis via the nodes and eclipses towards the end of the year, but will lay the ground for the new Saturn Jupiter cycle which is initiated on the December solstice in the first degree of Aquarius, a truly momentous watershed.

Venus retrograde in Gemini stimulates the mental sphere and potentiates the nodal theme further, especially as Venus transits Uranus north node around the 13th degree of Gemini in the process. I would suggest contemplating your own values through the retrograde period in terms of how they inform the way you perceive the world, the higher values you apply to it. This is not simply about your opinions, beliefs and actions; these are reflexive in themselves – this is more about becoming aware of the processes which produce those reflexes, what informs them. It is also about evolving this inner faculty for perception and awareness in the process.

Venus can apply to many material values in this context, but, look to the more subtle inner forms that her energy highlights. These are the forms of intelligence that take on natural form, the mind of Nature. Get into natural places and listen, let Her speak to you.

Become aware of your relationship to beauty in the world, what it means, where you find its highest vibration, how that feels. Become aware of what threatens these manifestations of the ‘beautiful’. Is what you perceive to be beautiful carrying meaning that is inviolable? Notice what is at work within yourself as you experience these enquiries, an aesthetic appreciation of the world. How does the receptive nature of perception inform your inner world?

This latter aspect is important in balancing out the aggressive and assertive forms of perception and understanding which are so virulently at work in the world at this time. There is restorative value in this – it encourages emergence of the voice of the soul.

We’ll come to Saturn and Jupiter, especially Saturn, in part 2, but, as the year progresses all the remaining planets also enter retrograde periods, and this will aid us in bringing our inner world fully into conscious activation.

Link to part 2

Saturn stations retrograde 11th May, 1°57′ Aquarius
Mercury enters Gemini 12th May
Mars enters Pisces May 13th
Venus stations retrograde 13th May, 21°50′ Gemini
Jupiter stations retrograde 15th May,  27°14′ Capricorn

Penumbral lunar eclipse June 5th, 15°34′ Sagittarius
Total solar eclipse June 21st, 0°21′ Cancer
Penumbral lunar eclipse July 5th, 13°38′ Capricorn
Penumbral lunar eclipse November 30th, 8°38′ Gemini
Total solar eclipse December, 23°08′ Sagittarius