The Madness Of King Donald or Showdown With KJU?

At a time when both Chinese and Russian ministers of foreign affairs have issued diplomatic warnings to the USA administration to ‘cool it’ with North Korea, and Kim Jong-Un, the NK leader, has provocatively stated that the US has done nothing but fail through its aggressive actions in Libya, Iraq and Syria, it comes as no surpise to find that the current planetary transits are falling squarely on hot spots within the charts of those concerned. Such is the current of our times.

From the perspective of planetary aspects alone, the situation is almost perfectly if not precariously poised. As I write, Venus is stationing direct, conjunct Chiron in Pisces, both squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury is newly retrograde in early Taurus and the Sun is conjunct with Uranus in Aries. Jupiter in Libra is slowly slipping out of exact square with Pluto in Capricorn while simultaneously re-developing its waning inconjunct aspect with Neptune, also in Pisces. A complex of tensions and stress points by themselves, both dissolutionary and fluxing, veiling and exposing, this is a matrix of uncertainty and shifting polarities, not least of all between inner and outer dynamics. The key players are hotlining the moment and anything can happen. But, if the ‘drums of war’ are beating, what of Mars?

The red planet is having his Algol moment, aligned with Medussa’s star while tightening a waxing inconjunct with Saturn, an aspect that will become exact as the Moon joins with Pluto on April 18th; not a time to try and stare out the wrathful war inflamed goddess! It is an understatement to say that a conscious adjustment to the deeper imports of the situation now developing seems necessary, if not inevitable, and the US president needs to pay heed to his Russian and Chinese advisories. However, Mars is also transiting the USA’s Neptune Pluto midpoint in the Sibly chart….we should not expect too much diplomacy, or truthfulness from the US administration at this time, especially when it comes to displays of aggression, but nevertheless, that is the necessary work in hand.

Next stop for Mars over the coming months are its transit to the US 6th house Uranus followed by the US Descendant, and, as the year heats up towards the third and last Jupiter Uranus opposition in September, Mars transits in succession the US Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Sun, all in the USA’s 7th house. A rush of adrenalin around foreign policy is not what we all need from the USA right now or in the near future. Transiting Mars will also square the US midheaven and 10th house Libran Saturn in the process. Any notions of diplomacy will be severely tested. And then, of course, there’s the maverick in Trump’s sights.

According to the January 8th 1983 birth date for Kim Jong-Un (1) transiting Saturn now sits on the North Korean leader’s natal Neptune, Mars is currently applying in opposition to KJU’s natal Uranus+Jupiter, and transiting retrograde Mercury is exactly square KJU’s natal Mercury+Venus conjunction in Aquarius. There is not a lot of encouragement in this, or hope for peaceful communications. The problem here is not only that crosscurrents of communication are being exacerbated by rash hedonism, rigid idealogy and hardly veiled threat, but, Kim Jong-Un’s birth time is in question – in fact there is even dispute over the year itself. I have gone with the most frequently refered to natal planetary positions for him.

In all cases however, Pluto in Capricorn has been and will continue to be transiting KJU’s natal Sun, trining North Korea’s Sun in Virgo, which will itself come into play in the last quarter of this year when Mars and Venus conjunct the North Korean Sun. Economic factors that will undoubtedly affect the dollar could play a crucial role not only in America’s global identity (2), but, could feed directly into the North Korean scenario, if it has not been toned down or resolved by then – several commentators have recently expressed the opinion that an economic collapse around the dollar markets will fuel global tensions and instability, if not trigger and deepen further conflict. With heavy investment in the military budget by the Trump administration one has to wonder what is behind the sudden about face from Trump, who previously expressed the desire for seeking peaceful solutions to conflict, now resorting to the apparent opposite.

We could go further but it would only be putting detail on what is already becoming clear – this is a geopolitical minefield that is ready to trip, and room for wrong moves is fast diminishing.

The obvious question is, what is on Donald Trump’s mind right now?

Lobbing bombs on foreign soil, without recourse to Congress, is one answer, and not just any bomb, target or foreign soil….aside from the Syrian question, and the veracity of allegations being thrown about, or the fact that the largest of non-nuclear bombs has just been dropped by the USA on Afghanistan, there is a quality of what appears to be recklessness and petulance being displayed here, a demonstrative if unpredictable show of strength with a strong reactive quality built into its effect, if not its causes. So, what of those causes?

In Donald Trump’s natal chart the Mars connection is through the Trump MC, which it is currently transiting, and by square to natal 12th house Mars – a sense of damn-it-all ‘might or bust’ has been undoubtedly coming to the fore, but what else is feeding it? Transiting Uranus+Sun are squaring natal 11th house Saturn+Venus and, besides the ‘protectionist’ values behind Trump’s  policies this might imply, the chauvinist reactionary is simultaneously on display. Transiting Venus+Chiron are squaring Trump’s natal 10th house Sun+Uranus+North Node, suggesting that a crisis surrounding deeper values and potential for reckless disregard of consequences is feeding in, and at a soul level – is he losing direction, or getting the wrong directives fed to him? We might be more reassured if the Donald would only just step back, take the necessary deep breaths, collect himself and take in the bigger picture! ASAN put it nicely in the following image….

If we go to Donald Trump’s Solar Arc chart we find tr.Jupiter applying to SA Pluto and tr.Mars squaring SA Uranus. Trumps SA Mars is also, interestingly, conjunct KJU’s natal Pluto+Saturn (3) – the degrees involved here are those that will be triggered by the Jupiter Uranus opposition in September. And, Trump’s SA Uranus is now conjunct his own natal Mars. That Uranus Mars flip flop is highly significant in respect of the current ploys Trump is exhibiting, but, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Mars are a highly volatile and stubborn mix by themselves, perhaps revealing something of the internal pressures he is under, a wilful need to exhibit ultimate power perhaps being its natural projection, through shock if nothing else; but, it is Trump’s progressed chart that shows the immediacy of our rightful concerns.

Uranus and the Sun are now transiting Donald Trump’s progressed Descendant and this degree will see transiting Mercury station direct conjunct tr.Uranus on May 4th. The erratic and unpredicatable behaviour we are seeing is amplified by Jupiter sitting opposite on Trump’s Ascendant in the progressed chart. When Mercury stations on May 4th the transiting Sun will square Trump’s natal 12th house Pluto-Mars midpoint – a clear message to the world that he means business, or that the power has gone to his head and he has lost his marbles!? Maybe both, as it will also trigger his progressed Mercury+Pluto 10th house conjunction.

There is more in Donald Trump’s current and approaching astrology that could be brought in but, already, this has all the halmarks of a personal hiatus being played out on the world stage. As if to drive home the point, Trump’s progressed Uranus is currently conjunct the USA’s 7th house Mars – it is true that Trump began with  a key stroke, throwing out the TPP and signalling a snub at the globalist corporatocracy, but, even this is now being called into question with ‘Goldman Sachs’ in the Whitehouse – if ever there was a case for the suitability of a presidential candidate being astrologically vetted before attaining office, this would give adequate evidence of its necessity. But, suitability for office is one thing, and ability to weather the unforeseen storm is another.

Trump’s natal DC although ruled by Uranus and Saturn, being in the final degree of Aquarius, is courting both Neptunian idealism and Jupitarian expansionism in his 7th house dealings. With a Gemini Sun+Uranus+NN natal 10th house conjunction and Venus ruling his MC he is oriented towards transforming through material values and means from his position as leader – he probably feels that his leadership is both beneficial and yet holds a devil may care attitude, if only others would trust him. Trouble is Donald has a deficit of Earth in his natal chart – its either an outward show covering or compensating for an inner lack, or it is unconsciously feeding an inner need. But, the infamous if not downright quirky Trump linguistics and need to communicate with the populace via unofficial channels, which all to often simply provides fuel for ‘the opposition’ and calls forth widespread derision, needs to be backed up with solid, consistent and dependable reasons to trust him and, still only four months into his administration, the deep political uncertainties that now surround the President are testing his ability to both hold to his original agenda as well as hold fire.

If this short excursion into this mundane arena of personal and international interactivity is to be of any value it must, however, firstly bring a sense of perspective to what is, on the face of it, a perplexing and uncertain time on the world stage through a glimpse into the astrology applying to two of its key players. The value this brings to us as individuals may be limited by our own personal bias or concerns, but, the inherent dynamics, revealed or not, do affect us all.

In the next post we’ll provide something by way of an antidote and delve into ‘the other side’ of things, quite lterally, and take a look at the cosmological dance now shaping up that is fueled by changes sourced far beyond our home planet. One of the chief protagonists here is Saturn who, besides squaring Venus and Chiron, is currently conjunct the Galactic Centre, highlighting what in our present circumstances might well be an all to easily disregarded underlying aspect of our collective planetary transformation. Although we will be focusing on a much more universal aspect of these times, Saturn’s role in this is also one that may develop to become a key moment for President Trump, especially when Saturn (now retrograde) stations direct on his natal 4th house Moon.

But, we’ll leave the Trump saga behind now and, with the next post firmly in mind, set our controls for the heart of our galaxy……oh, and by the way, that tweet trolling the Donald from Earth orbit is actually a direct quote from Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell :

“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch‘.”

You can read the full story about this off-world protest here >>>

(1) Kim Jong-Un’s birth time is unknown and the year is in dispute – however, personel from within the Kim household have testified to the year being 1983 and this is generally prefered over the alternative 1984 date; the day is verified as January 8th.

(2) The Venus Mars conjunction in mid-Virgo opposes Neptune in September 2017,  squaring the US Asc and opposing the progressed US 7th house Sun. The Jupiter Uranus opposition of the same time activates progressed US Venus on the cusp of the 9th house – I have flagged up this date in previous posts as an indicator for hyperinflation, and it is almost certain to bring financial shock, effecting both internal security and foreign trade, if not investments, both military and financial. Pluto also squares the US progressed 2nd house Mars and 8th house Chiron through this time. A deeper analysis of this and the founding Wall Street chart, and its progressed chart, will be upcoming here nearer the time.

(3) Saturn’s position in the 1983 chart for Kim Jong-Un is occupied by Pluto in Scorpio in the alternative 1984 chart, while Mars occupies Pluto’s 1983 position in the 1984 chart.

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