

Fanaa – in Sufi tradition, describing the dissembling of ego that enables full emergence within the Divine.

Gyric – from a Greek term, ‘agora’, describing ‘assembly’, its manifestation and nature.

Uranus is now in virgin territory in Taurus, and the Scorpio full Moon gives us a clear heads-up to one of the central themes we will be seeing develop throughout the Uranus transit. The in-breath before the storm, as the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon face-off, we see the Uranus-in-Taurus effect now beginning to bite.

This is all about transcending biological limitations.

There is no room with this Moon to indulge the anthropomorphising tendency to see things purely from the human perspective; this is about energy, at a sub-quantum level, and about the innate ability which nature embodies to build from that level outwards.

It is also about innate awareness, the sentience of Life, intelligent design translating itself into living form.

It is about the bridge between the two, an area in which we will see technology and understanding develop massively over the coming decade and a half.

We are now in the ‘body-shop’ phase.

Neither are we talking about Ai, that other grossly over anthropomorphised branch of technology which some see as the new Messiah, others as the End.

This is about source field connectivity, and embodiment, in forms that are way beyond our imaginings.

For all its intensity, much is hidden behind the clamour which accompanies this full Moon. In fact, in many respects at its most mundane level it mirrors a classic case of not being able to ‘hear the signal for the noise’.

Part of the reason for this, the obvious part, is external. Part, however, and arguably the most relevant part, is internal.

Around its most extreme point of illumination, with emotions likely to be running high and rhetoric taking on a bullish nature, in the midst of this lunation it is advisable to not let the social melting pot, its provocative, finger pointing memes and adversarial dynamics become a distraction – from here on in, this must be the case.

Stop, step back and just pay some attention to the pure unadulterated moment, as you find it.

This is a prime moment for higher level engagement with life and this planet which we find ourselves on…..

…..much here, in fact, is to be gained by ‘keeping an ear to the ground’ and through paying extra careful attention to the quality of energy at work beneath ‘it all’.


The outer planetary dynamics are feeding underground, ‘behind the scenes change’, which may give an impression of gradualism at work within the corridors of power, but, more realistically conceals a tightening of the screws and the steady preplanned implimentation of long term global policy.

The now endemic surface noise provides suitable distraction.

The BIG issues, which are generating a high percentage of the noise, are all carefully thought out. Effectively, they both keep the masses busy, in fear and feeling small and ineffectual in the face of ‘it all’.

The opera is, in fact, in full swing.

In its original meaning ‘opera’ refers to an orchestrated articulation of emotions, an art form with hidden political and sociological teeth. In our current times the main parts are commonly played by corporate entities, puppet ‘politicians’, unaccountable organisations, carefully selected school children and ‘rebels’, all of whom are, to a greater or lesser extent, the products of lengthy research and planning.

Meanwhile, ‘governments’ fulfil their accepted roles of ‘scapegoat‘ and embodying the ‘problem‘. The ‘swamp must be drained‘. All within the operatic portfolio.

To get to the core of the moment we must cut through all this.

Then there’s Uranus, and the global tech outreach of the brave-new-world-order.

If the Uranus in Taurus effect isn’t taking down trees in your neighbourhood don’t think you are going to escape 5G.

The world is speaking to you loud and clear, but, that innate facility that the human organism has to see beyond the obvious, and the visible, is also, by the same token, under threat of, if not being taken down at street level.

Trees, as Uranus will teach us, are ‘immense’ in our planetary network of awareness.


The eyes and ears of the cosmos are upon us.

Only astute observation will reciprocate.

Regardless, ‘Wake Up Calls‘ are now de rigueur, a part of the “environment”, which means paying  an especially high degree of attention to the world at large, lest we become too used to them, ‘adjust’, get lazy and become inoculated to the core values and messages they alert us to.

‘Waking’, being ‘woke’. is not simply about waking up, now, its about taking it to another level. Taking ourselves to another level. This is by way of a ‘security’ announcement, in fact, with this full Moon.

Here, the planetary matrix is clear, and there is a great deal of integrity involved in this moment, even if it is not at first obvious just where, or how, or is being drowned out.

Consider yourself on standby – stay alert.

But, more,  more than the adept faculty of operating on several different levels of awareness simultaneously, even.

The common denominator is this. Get used to being ‘the receiver’ – at surface level, to begin unpacking this, rather than expending so much energy on being the ‘transmitter’, allow the ‘observer‘ within to take a more central position – and calibrate more of your own energy field to the frequency and wavelength that this more specialised, if aloof kind of ‘awareness‘ is operating on.

The ‘observer’ is closer to ‘the source’ than might be readily apparent. An important step closer, and that matters, now.

The more persistently distracting aspects of the changes now being enacted in the outer world will lose a great deal of their ‘below-the-radar’ mental hold and emotional influence if this shift in focus is integrated regularly. Take this full Moon as the cue.

This is an endemic opportunity, but, how many will and are responding in this way – the best form of compassionate response to those who remain fixated on the drama and its noise is to enhance your own inner matrix and allow its powerful if subtle and more silent, latent influence to increase in depth and reach. It will be effective. The matrix at large is strengthened by it, and everything which feeds that strength registers within it.

Uranus has set about signalling a recalibration our physical operating systems, their connection to the source field, and our ability to perceive reality as we have never seen it before – the results might seem novel, if not downright weird and spook some people out, but nothing that is kicking in wasn’t already innate – its just that the ‘hardware’ has been shut down for some time. The operating system is fully capable of self upgrading, if the metaphor be extended further.

Yes. Remove the socio-media blinkers, perk up, and tune in. But, be pro-active and take the process on.

Keep your energy field clear, using those methods that you already know work for you, but above all, ‘EARTH’…..

…….it is essential to ground ‘the antennae’ as you explore the inner faculty that is now developing. The more your are earthed, the more you can explore, and the more connected you will be – ask a tree.

The planetary matrix supports this action, but with Mars in Cancer, it must be optimised. Bringing internalised energy to the ‘positive’ end of the ‘feedback reaction process’ which the sign of Cancer embodies is of the highest priority – this is a process which builds core strength through reciprocity.

Within the Cancer template this manifests as ‘mutual dynamics which circulate energy‘, keeping it in containment while Mars own ‘direct’ energy feeds causality into the loop. That’s food for growth and development. Forests know all about it – great reason to go sit with them. They too are our common ancestors.

Obviously, as an intended action, internally this development needs oversight and heightened awareness – it also requires inner strength and integrity and, alerting us to the necessity of this, this is where the ‘negative’ function delivers its own message, by way of warning…..take note.

The negative state of this process is capable of manifesting an innate potential for intensification in mood swings, a flipping backwards and forwards between emotional extremes which,  when in such a state, become mutually exclusive, increasingly antagonistic instead of mutually supportive.

Over-reaction to outer stimulus is common to this state and this can result in the fundamental breakdown of integrity, at many levels; where before there has been stable coherence, fracturing and division take on new forms and breed.

This is more often than not seen at an individual level, and contemporary western society is currently riddled with its effects, but becomes chronic at a sociological/collective level. Memes, which utilise both these levels, often carry this negative invective, which can, ironically, be both truth revealing and lie propagating. Memes are addictive; be alert.

False flag scenarios can, similarly, be identified from the felt impact of larger scale events within the public realm. This is not an ‘exact’ science, but, is an essential skill.

But, even though this negative dynamic has a long pedigree and can be intentionally used to induce systemic tension, a strategy we are now seeing widely at large equally in both political and activist quarters, at heart this is about more than evoking a polarising disintegration of core values to induce dramatic destabilisation of the field, and isolating disempowerment of the individual. It is also the vehicle for disseminating, propagating and maintaining false narratives which concretise these effects.

This, accumulatively, is to describe the ‘freight-train’, deliberately obstructive and disinformative, which hogs much of the highway through which intel and ‘info’ is currently exchanged, both within and beneath the public realm.

On top of this, a high degree of vulnerability and openness to manipulation accompanies this negative state when it is operative within the public realm – it goes without saying, but, the need for astute vigilance and maintenance of inner equilibrium is, naturally, equally high.

Venus conjoins with Uranus in Taurus around the full Moon indicating that jolts to those core values are almost inevitable and, while we should not allow ourselves to get used to this, acclimatising to the fact of the ‘new reality’ it signals is a must.

Shocks to the system make these high risk times if you are making investments in futures, especially while not giving enough penetrative attention to the underlying nature of the longer term trends. We are walking a fine line when we ignore the inner nature of things.

Similarly, the inventiveness of Nature is being stimulated – while humans are forever tinkering with nature, the ‘great experiment’ is happening of its own accord.

As Buckminster Fuller said, “nature is trying hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us – we are not the only experiment”.


The real revolution, which this landscape of distraction appears ‘but only appears‘ to be shouting about, is much more subtle. In keeping with the late Scorpio Moon, it resonates with a centre of gravity that embodies fundamental principles of Life, rather than its surface effects.

As a metaphor, think cymatics – rather than focusing on the forms that the water is being agitated to take up, think more of ‘the source’ out of which the energy that the resulting patterns embody arises.

As if adding to the complexity, but in reality aiding and abetting the process, Neptune also provides the Moon’s nodal axis with a dose of disorientation through this time – again, don’t be distracted by lack of clarity about where-this-is-all-going, or become infected with the ‘how-on-earth-are-we-going-to-turn-this-all-around‘ virus.

The very same inner orientation applies here as well, but as a field effect, and although this affects all,  it can be approached from the individual point of view – this provides us with a vital bridge. At an individual level the effect is ‘fanaagyric‘, ‘absorption into the greater assembly of the mystic’.

In spiritual tradition this involves a process whereby the ego and ego-ic identity are broken down and dissolved, merging with ‘the source’, but, outside of a more traditional setting, where our ego-centre remains vital to functioning within the everyday world, developing the ‘observer’ makes this both managable, accessible and practical. It grounds the visionary faculty.

If the astrological indicators for this process are written across the matrix at this full Moon, its ongoing presence is perhaps nowhere more pointedly symbolised than by Chiron in Aries, now coming to square with Mars, an aspect that sustains until new Moon.

Beyond that, the heat begins to turn up as we head for the solstice point, and the inner planets begin to fire off against the slower moving outer heavy-weights.

This time, for all its noise and underlying tensions, is bringing a golden opportunity.

The ‘adept’ nature within is being re-awoken, to a new level of resonance and inner allegiance. Deepening the personal path through intentionally revitalising consciousness and awareness, it is connecting ever deeper into ‘the integrating principle at the core of existence’, so be of good heart – none of this requires anything of us other than what we already are, at heart.

Every individual who takes the opportunity to move towards and get in sync with this  development of inner connectivity and awareness is assisting the entire planet, a gift which humans can give with increasing power and effectiveness now, and beyond that, demonstrates something humans are in dire need of, a way of giving back to Life.

Blessed Be.

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