The Will of the Heart

The Sun and Moon meet in the 5th degree of Sagittarius on the 26th of November but it is Venus that catches ones eye as the solstice lunation opens. Her arrival in Capricorn at new Moon tells us that this is to be a lunation in which the heart takes precedence over the head and its wilful rule.

Even though so much in the current world has been, over many lifetimes, constructed and construed to have us believe otherwise, it is the will of the heart which is in fact the more powerful – once that obscuring veil of deception that would have us believe otherwise is pierced through, it becomes possible to see more clearly and truthfully and, quite naturally, it is the principles of the heart that become the prime arbiter in initiating acts of power and authority.

This is a shift that has been prayed for, foreseen and called in over many millennia.

We are now increasingly seeing the signs of this principle at work in the world, but, this lunation draws particularly strong attention to it.

Having witnessed Venus and Jupiter reactivating our alignment with the galactic centre, refining the link formed at solstice 2012, this opening of perception now develops further through a grounding process.

This can be a powerful antidote to the entropic decay and disintegration which accompanies transition from one ‘world’ to the next.

The heart’s is a foundational power, a faculty that increases exponentially in the human freed of ego-dominance and brought into balance, and is the regulating principle throughout this lunation, working with the energies of the Moon as the lunar cycle progresses. But, that piercing capacity of sight which aids and abets this process is intrinsic to this Moon at its inception.

The Sagittarius Moon’s Sabian symbol speaks of the owl’s vision and sense of reality, a hypersensitive and penetrating ability to see beyond ordinary sight, a sense that transcends the physical senses with uncanny accuracy.

We are blessed with a higher level of perception here, a knowing that carries power, that can ‘get to the heart of things’ – in tuning in to this quality our psychic centres colour awareness and the ‘observer’ within is brought to the centre.

This, in its most developed form, is to reclaim an original state, a true state. A state that transcends time and is not conditioned, in any spiritless sense, by or through material manifestation, yet ‘sees’ it with crystalline clarity. This is ‘seeing’ that is ‘knowing’.

Latent within humans, access to this vast and primal sense has been subject to suppression over many centuries, its mass subjugation having seen the embers of many a fire formed of those who worked with this power for the greater good and, while it cannot be destroyed, its depletion having peaked under the most poisoning artifices of contemporary culture’s pernicious psycho-emotive manipulations, it is now returning.

The organ of love and life, being first to form within the human vehicle, generates such power that, with the ‘sight’ developed its energy body can be perceived many meters beyond the physical body – this field and its supra-physical nature provides the necessary foundation upon which the psychic power of ‘owls eye’ can be most powerfully developed, and we see the ground being regained now, ‘essence returning to the centre’ under the authority of the heart.

Fire returns to the origin.

In keeping with Sagittarius reach and depth this power lends itself to many forms of seeing which seek out meaning and deeper understanding, an application that benefits remote viewing and the seeking out hidden knowledge, as well as gaining the long view over our own personal path – these being powers that are the spoils of a very long war upon the human mind, their recovery helps to heal the emotional wounding which we have suffered through the misuse of will, this being powerfully mirrored through Venus square with Chiron in early Aries.

In personal work within the ‘manifest’ world, however, the greatest strength of this new Moon is in bringing to light a more substantial understanding of the path we will be following through the coming year, its nature and focus.

There are further transits to bring into this process, with Neptune stationing direct and Jupiter’s ingress of Capricorn both occurring within the first quarter, and an accelerating Venus clearing Capricorn along with Chiron stationing direct before the lunation is out; but, we’ll return to these positive indicators next time. Solstice falls in the last quarter of this lunation…..

…..for now, may the will of the heart be strong in your life.

Blessed Be!

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