Memories Of Futures Past


We have to talk and talk tough, with extreme lucidity, and put our petty concerns aside – the times demand it of us. But, more than that, we have to walk our talk. The radical end game of the Uranus Pluto square has arrived as the two outer planets slowly break out of antagonistic orb. Five years of unrest has seen the world change profoundly, one irrevocable truth overshadowing all others – the disastrous consequence of the pursuit of nuclear power is a reality that will not go away; Fukushima made sure of that. Few could have forseen the actual event of Fukushima, but, well before this, once the atom was split the writing was very clearly on the wall. How on earth did we let that happen? Who’s choice was it……

At the end of the Piscean Age our choices for the future bring us to the very edge, the crux of transition, the fact that whatever we decide now will affect all who come after us. Fukushima’s imprint is seemingly indelible, potentially covering 50 millenia or more, two precessions of the equinox.

The Piscean Age was always ultimately about endgames; its ultimate danger, oblivion, its ultimate promise, absolution. We could have perhaps walked the talk of its spiritual core and brought ourselves to unparalleled heights, but there was always an element in our midst that sought all the glory for itself – and now, caught beneath the many tentacled manifestation of its shadow, it is no exaggeration to say that we are in a fight for survival as we struggle to lift its smothering veil. That shadow element has proven itself ruthless, to the point of self destruction – it is an old old wound that has become cancerous, quite literally, but, we must ask; how did it get there, what is its true nature and what must we do to eradicate it, for good?

We could begin by recognising that it began long ago, not simply a consequence of some mad myopic modernistic race for ‘progress’ but the inevitable consequence of profound changes within humanity that began nearly twelve thousand years ago. The seeds of those changes were sown by cosmological events, Earth changes that forced us to evolve new ways of thinking and living around the end of the younger Dryas. Then too, our choices were stark, but, choices we had. And we would do well to remember them. It is no coincidence that the planetary matrix is reflecting this reality back to us now.

Saturn is conjunct the south node of Uranus – we must remember our unique capacity to survive the worst of adversity, the human ability to meet radical times with an equally radical shift in consciousness, and more than anything else how it changed us – such remembering brings us face to face with the karmic consequences of seeking power over natural law.

Pluto is closing on conjunction with its own south node; we must retrieve the memories of that deep change that shifted the balance of power within our human world, within our human relationship with this living being we call Earth – no matter how painful the trauma, we will find the map that leads us to our own long hidden and virtually forgotten buried treasure in that place.

Without this level of collective self knowledge we are consigning ourselves to repeat our gravest errors, to continue the phobic blackout and inflict upon our selves an even deeper if not irrevocable wound as a species. Pluto’s south node in Capricorn can give us the keys unlocking the mystery of its own north node in Cancer and, the radical necessity of doing so is at its crucial point. Uranus is now exactly squaring that node. The shift in power, the radical change in mores and social structures, seeded the rise of patriarchy and heirarchic relationships based upon dominance. Capricorn represents the culmination of these changes, the apotheosis of Cancer.

When Saturn conjuncts Pluto in 2020 they will meet on Pluto’s south node in Capricorn and be in close proximity to Saturn’s own south node. The shadow of the past will be unavoidably manifest in the present at that crunch time. We have a clear time frame for this endgame.

In the intervening time we will see Uranus transit the Taurean cusp three times, eventually entering tropical Taurus in March 2019 for an eight year stay.

In 2024 Pluto will enter Aquarius for a 22 year transit of Uranus home sign. This transit will culminate in their opposition, the first of seven across early degrees of the Pisces Virgo axis over a three year period. As far off as it may seem the keys to that time, our ability to receive Uranus influx of the Virgoan field, lie in this present time and the current lunation gives us a vital glimpse. We will return to this in the next post.

Before that time, also beginning in 2024, there is another perhaps more beneficial stage in this slow shift of the Ages as Neptune finally leaves Pisces and in the process sextiles both Pluto and Uranus at the midpoint of their trine. This configuration will last for five years and eventually see Uranus transit its own north node in May 2029 in Gemini. Some might say that Neptune in Aries provokes memories of religious conflict and Pluto in Pisces a crisis of spirituality. But, again, it is the conscious choices we make now and the commitment they embody that will determine how well we are able to bring out the positive side of this interplay between the outer planets.

The message is clear – our time for reparation is short. In the last six years, since I began blogging (at Owlmirror) about planetary transits and the revolution in consciousness, the field has changed radically – not only has the world become radicalised but a parallel inner process is at work. Many who have woken up from the torpor of the Piscean miasma are now working to further this change. Our Uranian technological revolution serves to enable this as a continuing process, but, waking up alone is no longer enough. The crisis that waking up to reality presents us with now demands a sea change that must build from within the awakened consciousness of the individual. It is a commitment sourced at soul level. We have to turn the tide now. If we can use the next four years wisely to this effect the four years after may carry enough momentum for us to continue enjoying the benefits of choice.

Choice we do still have, even now, even if these appear diminished and stark against the backdrop of global irradiation and creeping wipeout. These are not morbid pessimistic statements, they are facts, realities, and there is very good reason to accept them as such. The ensoulment of Life as much as our own future depend upon it. Such acceptance and commitment may yet be the very thing that makes the crucial difference, the key to a plausible future, a radically different way of thinking and living – we have to be brave, courageous to accept it, but the bottom line is that Uranus and Pluto were always about a revolution of the soul, not just our own but this planet’s. That is why we are here, now.

Lets not forget that forgotten treasure – it lies behind the door to the future manifest in Pluto’s north node. It takes the shape of a profound memory of the past that is deeply embedded within the souls of all living now, a memory going all the way back to the Age of Cancer, the cultural high point of the age of the Mother Goddess. The egalitarian society which belonged to that time cannot be retreived, but, its soul is asking to be remembered and born anew – it is the gift of the Aquarian Age that can yet give meaning to our times.

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