A Wrinkle In Time

When the Sun reaches the exact midpoint between equinox and winter solstice, at 15°00’ Scorpio, the cross quarter fire festivals take place which, in some ancestral northern traditions, mark Samhain, the onset of winter and the beginning of the new year.

This year the entire Samhain/Beltaine axis is activated as almost exactly twenty four hours later the full Moon in Taurus will reach its maximum and, being only 3° from the north lunar node, will fall under the Earth’s shadow and become totally eclipsed.

This intensification of both the lunar maximum and the cross quarter axis is further added to when we look to the astrological alignments that coincide with both these moments.

I consider such planetary and astral interactions with nodal points to be ‘pauses’ in the hegemonic nature of linear time and, by default, temporal conditioning, and with the Moon in particular, linear time programming within the human realm.

This relates specifically to the histories that have been applied to human consciousness, and that have specifically overwritten cultural and oral transmission of our indigenous history – we are dealing here with colonisation of the indigenous past, and more specifically with its decolonisation in relation to this particular moment in time.

There is much to consider in this alone, especially as the gateway of Samhain and its association with the thinning of the veil between the worlds can also be seen as a timeless moment; where closer contact between other-worlds comes to the fore, their own distinct temporal nature comes into our lives, a reminder through ancestry and spirit of our roots outside of temporal reality, this innate connection being available to us.

This is, traditionally, a time when those connections can be deepened and strengthened.

But, here we are looking at a planetary matrix which, from the Earth perspective, suggests this to be an even deeper, more significant and longer lasting moment; nothing quite of this nature has been offered to us in any time over the last decade, at least. So, bear this cessation of temporal conditioning/programming in mind in respect of the following.

Uranus proximity to the lunar eclipse is a powerful indicator that this is a programme-free moment, but, with Venus and Mercury either side of the Sun close on the south node in Scorpio, opposing Uranus here brings a flash of inspiration that will accompany the freeing of long held ancestral bindings.

This is akin to cracks appearing in a kind of karmic dam, and a potential release of primal, indigenous energy that has built up behind that dam over many millennia into the Taurean earth realms.

This ‘dam’ is, in effect, a wall of unresolved consequences, the result of oppressed and subjugated natural power, which century upon century of hierarchic usury, and the control of indigenous nature and its natural cultural flowering has put upon humanity, most particularly via ‘the West’ and its dehumanising industrialised programmes of hierarchic and literal enslavement and colonisation.

There is a pressure cooker feel to the time, which many are feeling it seems; emphasised by the fixed signs of the eclipse axis, there is strongly present an awareness of ‘stuck-ness’ which must be released, and I see this time as the onset of that cracking open and release process.

Mirroring this, the solar/lunar opposition is squared by Saturn in societally oriented Aquarius, and the indicators are that, since Saturn is now direct and on its run up to leaving Aquarius for Pisces in March 2023, that this eclipse’s energy marker for the next six months is all about exploiting the breakthrough potential of this special moment, to the max, for its most positive outcomes to be realised.

Once Saturn enters Piscean waters the echoes of spiritual persecution, and zealotry for example, become stronger, a thought which adds intensity to the meaningfulness in our use of the intervening months.

How much Ai driven humanist technologies, like vaccine programmes that enable biological and behavioural determinism ie. enslavement, might be being used to exploit the ‘inquisitors’ agenda should, for instance, be collectively clear by then, but whether it will be too late to do anything about it by then may rest more fully in our own hands now than ever before.

The world will keep on turning, the planets will continue in their astral dance, regardless what we actively take it upon ourselves to do, but that too shows how poignantly interconnected all is now becoming within this eclipse impulse as, once March 2023 is through, this door closes and another one opens.

Also changing signs in March, and deepening the conviction to push through, are Mars and Pluto, Mars going into Cancer and Pluto into Aquarius before March 2023 and the active agency of this eclipse is out.

At Samhain and the lunar eclipse Pluto of course is in late Capricorn, while Mars is retrograde in Gemini squaring both Neptune and Jupiter, in fact all the planets in the western half of the zodiac are retrograde, adding to the underlying and interiorised sense of ‘something’ impending. All those in the eastern half are direct, reflecting the emergent qualities now rising.

The trick here is in realising that, while we are all waiting for that unknown to arrive, the waiting itself is symptomatic of the very thing that needs to be broken through. We have been trained to ‘wait’, become compliant and dependent, but, we cannot allow the forgetting to continue.

Timing is everything, and that is why such moments as this matter. Its not as if we have not seen them before – the Arab Spring uprisings of 2010-11 for example clearly expressed a similar potential, although that was more specifically an expression of the Uranus Pluto square which accompanied it.

There has been a shift in the collective consciousness as a result of that time and its mirroring in the long standing astrological square – we are certainly, and specifically in the national/global political and economic arenas, now witnessing the consequence of our own actions and inaction during that time.

The last two years have been an experiment in how far this action/inaction equation can be pushed, a fitting end to the Uranus/Pluto square perhaps, but, the nature of our personal and societal relationship with those structures of power which have bearing on how our freedoms are expressed are now under constant scrutiny. This is true on both sides of the equation, I believe, and it is now Saturn’s role to emphasise, and actualise, the limitations being imposed upon us, in the process limiting our collective power for deciding and enacting change, while making more overt and palpable the need for change itself.

With Scorpio hosting south node, Sun, Mercury and Venus we are within reach of, if not on the cusp of a breakthrough in understanding our deep past, its rich genetic nature and true history – such knowledge has the power to unleash such immense forces that could change how we live on this planet completely – the Taurean field, where the Moon’s light is momentarily reduced to its own indigenous nature, symbolically if nothing else, is where this reality will be felt, if not seen most. Scorpio holds the dna coding, Taurus the essential building blocks of life. However, Saturnian control of how, or if, this happens within the realms of human society plays off in its square to the eclipse axis.

The Bill to limit and criminalise peaceful protest that is now passing through and in process within the British Parliament is an apt illustration of how deeply embedded this limiting power is within the archetype of institutionalised democracy, for all its assumed freedoms within the west.

But, it is the longer shadow of this power-over element within our lives, its more deeply embedded effect on our collective and individual nature over a very long period of time, and our need to stand up for that nature, that is being highlighted here – this is a shadow of consequence, its own locked up energy being potentially destructive, but, the energy that it is suppressing and the suppression itself are here starkly brought out into the open – the consequences of this are unpredictable.

Even the nature of events which will express this revelation are unforeseeable; but, the energy that can be utilised to further this release is now on hand, and can be called upon, invoked for the greater good, and brought to bear in all our actions. To do so is almost enough – almost; to be able to be responsive and ready to follow through, to sustain the resultant flow of change inducing energy is equally important.

I feel like a major deja-vu moment is unfolding in saying these things, and as an astrologer and diviner I’ve heard this scenario being voiced too many times in the last two decades especially, but, perhaps that is because this is simply a part of what is a very long process, one which began millennia ago, which the indigenous spirit within is well aware of. Many who turn up for a reading are simply keeping an appointment with their own indigenous remembering – the collective need for this to happen now is upon us big time – we make it happen when we make ourselves available to it, but, how does anyone break through the amnesia?

There is awakening, for sure, and it gathers its own momentum, within our collective remembering, but, its this moment that speaks to that momentum too.

The moment is grief riddled, for sure, and that is actually for the good – the grief goes so deep it is unfathomable, but, perhaps it is in honouring the unbreakable thread of ancestry that the inherent healing power of that grief is first and foremost enabled in our times. Unbreakable, that is, so long as we protect its future, as well as its past.

The buck stops here…..but, we are surrounded by our ancestors, willing us and praying for us to remember.

This, more than ever, is the appropriate, and perhaps most auspicious time to reciprocate.

Make your prayers deep, your offerings poignant and rich with meaning in respect of that honouring, and blessings of the Great Mother be with you at this Taurean full Moon.


image taken at Wildworks’ “I Am Kevin”, Cornwall, 2022